Chapter 3

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Third POV
That Night

Percy sat on a building with his legs crossed. He was leaning on a large sign in the shadow of it. He was just idly watching the people go by. People watching is also fun to him. Seeing how different people in different places acted and behaved in their normal day. It always fascinated him. As Percy watched the people from his perch, a familiar scent caught his attention.

He looked over and saw Bella walking down the sidewalk. She looked stressed. Percy decided to follow her. Creepy? Yes, but Percy likes Bella and he feels like shit is about to go down. So he tailed her on the rooftops. As Bella was walking down a flight of stairs she saw two men, seemingly drunk rough housing. They spotted her and she saw them see her. Doing the smart thing, she turned around and walked back up the stairs. She reached a parking lot type thing where there were more men waiting for her. One of the guys throw a beer to the other two that were following her.

Percy's eyes narrowed as they closed in on her. She tried to avoid them, but the men blocked all of her paths.

"This is so damn cliche." Percy said and pulled out Ebony. Now, he wouldn't mind about hitting the men. However, Bella was still important so he aimed way off and fired. His modified M1911 was basically thunder in otherwise quiet part of town. He fired twice more, his bullets hitting the pavement and making sparks. "Typically, when a woman says no. It means no." He said from the alleyway Bella and the two guys following her came from. Yes, he teleported there. Why would he stay on the roof? Think.

"What the hell?!" One of the guys yelled. Percy shot at a the ground a few more times. Each shot getting closer to their feet. "That means fuck off!" He yelled and they all ran off. Percy holstered Ebony and walked over to Bella, who was clearly shaken up about the whole situation. "You ok?" He asked once he was close enough. Bella nodded. "Yea, I'm fine." She said, subconsciously shifting closer to him. Percy wrapped an arm around her as they heard tires screeching.

A yellow 2006 Porsche 911 Turbo drifted around the corner and stopped on a dime. A girl jumped out and looked at the two.

"Alice?" Bell asked. "Bella! Oh my god, are you ok?!" The girl ran over to check on the slightly shorter girl. "Yea, I'm fine Alice." Bella said as she detached from Percy. "I heard the gunshots and saw those guys running away. I know I noticed two guys following you so I doubled back and raced down here." Alice said. "I'm fine Alice. Percy shot at the ground to get those guys to run away." Bella explained. Finally, Alice looked at Percy. She stared at him with clear suspicion and a fake smile. Bella didn't seem to notice. "Hi, Alice. Alice Cullen." She held out a hand.

"Percy Jackson." Percy shook her hand, feeling how cold and hard it was. It was like gripping a rock that had been in the freezer. The two pulled their hands back. "Aren't you a bit young to carry a gun?" Alice asked. "I'm from Manhattan. If you don't have a gun, you don't have a life. Or rather, you do. It's just much easier to take from you." Percy shrugged.

"Oh, that's dark." Alice said. "Sorry. Anyway, my mom is probably worried about me. I'll be leaving now. Stay safe Bella. Nice meeting you Alice." He said. "Oh, I'll take you home." Alice said nicely. "Uh, that wouldn't be necessary. I'm staying all the way on the other side of Forks. Plus I don't actually live in Forks. I'm just staying for a day or two." He said. "That's fine. I can drop Bella off and take you to your hotel." Alice insisted. Percy gave a smile.

"Just agree. Alice is too nice to let you go alone." Bella said. He just nodded. "Alright. If you insist." He relented. Alice got in the driver seat, Bella in the passenger and Percy, being the youngest was forced into the back, much to Percy's annoyance and Bella's amusement. After dropping Bella off, Alice started driving in a random direction. "Ya know, I know you lied." Percy nodded. "I figured." He said. "What are you?" She asked. "I could say I the same thing." Percy said. "I asked first." Alice retorted childishly.

"Heh, I'm a myriad of things. God, Devil, vampire, werewolf, ghost. I'm a mixing pot." He said. "Ok. Why are you here?" She asked. "I heard there was disappearances happening in this area. Vampires. So, I came to investigate. You see, I hunt monsters for a profit and someone is paying me to get rid of the local leech infestation." He said. "Now, time I ask you some questions." Percy said suddenly appearing in the front seat. "What are you?" He asked. "You should know. I'm a vampire." Percy sniffed the air around her. "Hmm, odd. You don't smell like one. Well, not exactly like one. Maybe a subspecies."

Alice gave him a disbelieving look.

"A 'subspecies'? What?!" She exclaimed. "Yea. You see, there are a lot of subspecies of the original vampire species. For one reason or another." Percy said dismissively. "Ok then. Mister expert. What is an original vampire like?" Percy smiled and his eyes turned red. "Let me show you." The car suddenly went dark and red eyes opened up all around them. Centipedes and snakes started crawling and slithering around them while random bodies appeared. They all had decaying skin, red eyes and sharp teeth.

As soon as the world distorted, it all went back to normal. Alice had stomped on the breaks and just sat there. Luckily, the streets were mostly empty. She slowly looked to Percy.

"That's what a real vampire is capable of and so much more. We can talk more about it when I have time. For now, I have to find the vampires that are killing these people. Don't worry, I know it's not you. I'd know. See ya." And he was gone. Just gone. Alice sat there for two minutes collecting herself before speeding back home to tell them of what she found.

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