Chapter 35

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Third POV
Time- 10:56pm
Date: 1/20/08
Japan(no specific area)

Percy sat on a train in Japan with his legs folded, head leaned back and eyes closed. Why was he in Japan taking a train ride? Well, Percy had been sent here on a job. Apparently, people that had been taking this train were disappearing, with very few getting away. Naturally, Percy had to check it out. So here he was, sitting next to a polite Japanese man.
He was dressed in a white fedora with a red ribbon and a somewhat extravagant outfit. The outfit consisted of an embroidered black tuxedo and a white tie over a black dress shirt and white dress pants. He also wore black loafers.

He seemingly had no weapons on him, but that was just because he was using two new guns that Nell had made for him, based off of his original Ebony & Ivory, which he had allowed Lady to borrow for her own mission. The new guns were called Casull & Jackal. Just like Ebony and Ivory, they were black and white. Enough about Percy's new weapons though.

Percy had ben riding the train for a while now and nothing had set him off. Though, Percy is a patient person. He can wait for days for a demon to strike and it'll be all the more worth it. Luckily though, he didn't have to wait days. Only a few hours for them to come up on a tunnel, where the train entered and the light suddenly cut out. Everyone panicked, but Percy smiled.

'So, the tunnel is a sort of pocket. Existing in both the demon and human worlds. That's interesting. Don't think I've encountered anything like this before.' He thought. Percy looked around using his might vision and saw that every had seemed to fall asleep. 'The demons are intelligent. If they get full mid buffet they can just leave the others, knowing the no one will know what happened.' Percy heard a growl from behind him and hurriedly whipped out the massive black gun, Jackal.

It took one shot. One head shot to blow the demon's entire top half off. Percy smiled cruelly.

"Oh fuck yes." He muttered. He went through out the train cars, blasting demons back to hell. If you were to stand outside the train and look in, all you'd see is darkness with the occasional flash of light from Percy's guns. If you were quick enough, you'd also see Percy's crazed grin and the demented gleam in his eyes. After traveling through nearly all of the train, Percy casually walked down the aisle when he saw something peculiar. There was someone awake, a child. She just sat there, staring up at him. That wasn't what interested him though.

No, it was her large, pink slitted eyes. Yes, her eyes are pink and her pupils are slitted. The girl looked to be no older than five, maybe four. She wears a light pink kimono with an asanoha (hemp leaf) pattern, the lining a paler pink, secured by a red and white-checkered hanhaba obi with an orange-threaded obijime and a green obiage. Over this, she sports a long, dark-brown haori that reaches her calves, as well as a pair of zōri with pink straps and white tabi socks, wrapped with thick pieces of black material resembling kyahan. Nezuko also wears a small pink ribbon on the left side of her head to keep her hair out of her face. Also, secured tightly around her jaw with a strip of red cloth is a bamboo muzzle.

She looked up at Percy with wide, child like eyes that now held a sparkle in them. Despite Percy knowing that she is a demon, from her smell and her appearance, he held himself from killing her. She didn't seem to have any bad intentions. He decided to read her mind, to see what was going on. Nothing.

He got nothing from her mind, which confused him. Her memory wasn't erased, just... blocked. He couldn't tell if they had been blocked out by someone else or the child demon herself. What he did see, was strange though. When she looked at him, she didn't see him. She didn't see Percy himself. She saw another man with a sickly and sunken face, long hair and kind eyes. He was thin and looked to be knocking on death's door.

When Percy left her mind, he saw the little girl had gotten closer to him and was holding her hands up. She was also making grabbing motions with her hands. Percy stared down at the girl until her eyes started to water and she looked ready to cry. Percy finally broke and picked the girl up. She happily hugged him and nuzzled her cheek on his. Percy smiled.

"Ok, you're coming with me." He said. She closed her eyes to show that she was smiling. Percy's senses went off and he jumped back as a large tentacle made of disgusting flesh attempted to wrap around them. "The entire train is a demon? Huh, how didn't I catch that?" Percy asked himself. "Maybe it only shifts into one when we enter the demon world or something." He thought out loud. "Meh, doesn't matter." Percy said and teleported out of the train.

Percy and his new demon child appeared in front of the train, a few meters away. They were still in the tunnel, but that didn't matter. Percy held out his arm, pointing his forefinger at the train. A purple ball of energy that crackled and with matching colored lightning, the sphere grew to the size of a man. The sphere seemed to warp and distort reality around it.

"Hollow Technique: Purple." Percy said and shot the ball of energy at the oncoming train. The giant metal demon didn't stand a chance. It was completely obliterated. The train was destroyed in its entirety. Once the train had been destroyed, the area around them wavered, only slightly. They still stood in the tunnel, but the end was clearly before them unlike before, where it seemed to just constantly be moving away. Like a rainbow. Such a beautiful thing, yet unreachable. Percy looked down at the girl. "Huh, now that I think about it. What's your name?"

The girl looked down, she seemed to know her name, but not how to tell him.

'So she can't talk.' He thought. He's read her mind and... damn. She even thought in grunts and growls. However, he did hear a voice amongst her noises. Multiple voices actually. All of them saying the same thing. "Nezuko, huh?" The girl stopped thinking and perked up. She apparently wasn't worried about how he knew, in true child fashion. No, she was just happy that he suddenly knew her name. Percy nodded. "You confuse me, but I'll keep you for now."

He said and teleported back home.

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