Chapter 41

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Third POV
Time- 11:22am
Alderney Warehouse

Harley walked down a hall alone, holding her mallet. Percy had suggested they split up so she was walking around one building while he did so in another. She was looking around at the castle like appearance the warehouse had. Percy told her that it was a hell gate in work. Either that or an extremely powerful demon, but he would've sent her home if that was the case. Harley had fought at least ten of those Frost things since being in this place and while he hadn't gotten any real injuries, she did have a few cuts from their claws and bruises from slipping on the ice.

Eventually, the blonde came to a library like room.

"Eugh, I hate reading." She said to herself. Harley looked around for another door, but didn't find one. What she did find however, was a suit of armor holding a shield and a lance. "Oh, Heya. How's it going?" Harley asked the walking armor. It didn't reply. It's only acknowledgment was to point its lance at her. Harley smiled. "Ohh, wanna impale me?" She asked teasingly. "Well sorry, but I'm saving myself for someone else." With that said, she rushed at the demonic armor.

With Percy

Percy ducked under the swipe of a large blade and shot a scarecrow in its nonexistent face. Naturally, it didn't die. That was fine, Percy loved a good fight. He caught another blade and and threw the literal sack of demon dust into another one. He then pulled out Rebellion and dashed forward. A single swipe killed two of them and the second dealt with the other. Percy put his gun away and started walking again.

With Harley

Harley smashed the last suit of demonic armor in the head, destroying it. She sighed in exhaustion. The blonde is bruised and had obviously been thrown around a bit, but it's nothing that Harley hadn't already been through with the bat family and the other villains in Gotham. She just stretched and walked out. Not before picking up a book that had an odd symbol on it though.

"Ohhh, Mista J might wanna see this." She said. "And when I give it to him, he'll be so proud!"

With Percy

"Well. This is a boss room if I've ever seen one." Percy muttered as he walked into a rectangular, large room. Percy noticed that it really smelled, but didn't let it show on his face. The back of the room was unbelievably dark, so dark that not even his third eye could see through it. He didn't have to wait long as two glowing red figures came out of the darkness. They were obviously demons, they had no actual defined features. Just smooth figures with the vague shape of attractive women.

Percy smiled at this and pushed himself forward with one foot, skating on the ice covered floor with the other.

"Well, well. You don't see this everyday." He said. They got close to him, giggling cutely and dancing for him. Percy laid down, his head propped up on his elbow. The two danced a bit more before a giant toad like demon jumped out from the darkness with its maw wide open. It went to scoop Percy up, but he was gone. The demigod landed perfectly, one foot slightly angled behind the other and standing tall.

"What?! How did you know?!" The demon yelled in confusion. "You can hide that body, but you sure as hell can't hide that smell. Whew, you smell like a bathroom after a lactose intolerant person's eaten two tubs of ice cream." Percy joked. "You dare mock me?!" The demon exclaimed angrily. "You dare assault my nose. Sheesh." With an angry roar, ice spiked came sprouting from the ground heading straight for Percy.

He jumped out of the way and pulled out Ebony & Ivory. Luckily, he had gotten them back from Lady. Pulling the triggers, the room was lit up with the flashes of his guns and the loud bangs were like thunder in a quiet night. They pelted the toad like demon, making him cry out in pain. It then shook itself like a wet dog, which sent ice shards into the air around him. Percy dodged every spike and even grabbed on just to throw it back. It stuck into the beasts eye, making him scream much to Percy's pleasure.

Percy rushed in and spun kicked the shard of ice deeper. Right into the demon's brain. It flailed around a bit before falling limp. Percy smiled while putt his foot on its nose.

"You think this is the end? There are more of us." Percy raised an eyebrow as the demon turned to ice and broke apart. Percy looked at the hell gate which is currently open. Inside he saw at least a dozen of the same demons jumping towards the portal. Percy shook his head and closed the portal. "Sorry, earth is closed." He said. He the proceeded to destroy the hell gate by slicing it with Yamato. As he was leaving, the room wavered distorted as the illusion dropped.
The room was revealed to be a simple storage room with a bunch of old equipment in it.

Percy and Harley met up at the entrance, with Harley skipping merrily.

"Sheesh, you ok?" He asked. "Yup. Peachy." She said, clueless to the fact that he was referring to the multiple cuts and bruises all over her body. "Ok then. What's that?" He asked pointing to the book in her hand. "Oh, here! I picked it up cause I thought you'd wanna see it." She said holding it out. Percy took the book and skimmed through it quickly. He smiled and pinched the blonde's cheek. "Good job Harls. This has some good info in it." He said and kissed the same cheek he pinched. She squealed happily with a blush. Percy chuckled and held out his hand. "Let's go. We need to turn in this mission."

She took his hand and Percy teleported them back to the Pegorino's house.

After Credits

A scraggly man in dirty clothes stormed through the halls of a beautiful mansion. The man's face said he was angry, but the sweat dripping down his brow and neck said he was scared and scared he was. You could see the panic in his eyes. He came to a set of double doors and burst through them. Inside were three women and four men.

"About damn time! How could you call a meeting and be a late?" A well dressed man with a bald head and a large beard. "What a waste of time." A well dressed and beautiful woman scoffed haughtily. The man huffed and started pacing. "Why the HELL am I hearing rumors about... HIM running around the United States killing demons and vampires?!" He yelled. "Him? Who the hell is 'him'?" The same stuck up woman asked in annoyance. The man looked at her in shock. "Who is 'him'? The one we hid from for fucking years you stupid bitch!" He yelled.

"Fucking DRACULA!"

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