Chapter 9

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Third POV
The Next Day

Percy and Seras got back after three hours of just aimlessly walking around Manhattan. Percy ate some food, making Seras pout in jealousy. He would laugh and patted her head then mentally share the feeling he got from eating food with her. How he did that, haven't you learned? Don't ask questions.

Seras went to sit on the couch while Percy went to his room. He saw that Trish was awake and sitting up on his bed. Her legs crossed and leaning back on her palms.

"Welcome to the land of the living. How was your nap?" Percy asked. "It was good. Your bed is really comfortable. I might have to start sticking around more." She said. "Wow, we'd love to have you around more." He said an sat next to her. "So, you wanted to talk?" Percy gave her a look. "I guess. What's up with you?" He asked. "What do you mean?" She asked innocently. "Trish, you've been distant for the four years that I've known you. What's up with that?" He asked. "We started off so good. Me the badass demon hunter and you the slightly less badass sidekick." Trish smacked her lips and lightly hit him on the arm.

"I don't know." She shrugged. Percy stared at her hard. Trish raised an eyebrow at him, but he just kept staring. It slowly made her uncomfortable until she eventually just broke. "Ok, ok. I just feel like I need to go on my own for a bit. Soul search and all that crap." I raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you just say that?" He asked. "You could've said something. It's not like I'm trying to keep you here." Percy said.

"Maybe I didn't want to leave yet." She said getting his face with a smirk. "Didn't seem like it." Percy retorted. "Hm, I thought taking longer missions would help." Trish shrugged. "Well, you can go off and do your own thing for as long as you want. Soul search, demon hunt, whatever it is that you want." He said. Trish smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks Percy. Don't know why, but hearing you say it makes me feel better about it." Trish smiled.

The blonde demon got up and walked to the window. She opened it and climbed out onto the fire escape. She gave a wave and a wink and jumped away.

"Percy! You home!" He heard his mother call. "Yea!" Percy called  back and left his room. He walked out to the living room. "Hey puddin!" Harley yelled. "Hey Harley. How are ya hun?" Percy asked. "I'm good. I made a huge sale today!" She said childishly. "That's great Harley. Proud of ya." He said. Harley blushed and giggled. Percy walked into the kitchen where his mother was sitting at the dining table. "Did she have a breakdown?" He asked. "Luckily not a full one. Just a difficult customer that I handled."

Percy nodded and sat across from Sally. She slid an pink envelope over to him.

"A girl from your friend's school came to the store today and handed me this, asking me to give it to you." She said. "Oh, and speaking of Harley's breakdowns, a woman came to the shop while you were in Forks. She was asking about you." Percy gave Sally a look. "While I was in Forks?" He asked. "I know. I know, but it didn't seem all that important and it slipped my mind." Sally said. "What did she want?" He asked. "Nothing much. You could ask Harley if there was something deeper to it since that's apparently how she found out you lived in Manhattan." Percy nodded and opened the letter.

It was an invitation from Paulina Sanchez to her Halloween party this.... Halloween. There was a little note in the corner that said 'yes, I invited your loser friends too'. Percy shook his head at the girl's blatant disrespect, but he knew that his friends likely really wanted to go. Well, all aside from Sam. Sam openly hates Paulina, but Percy didn't care much about that.

"What is it?" She asked. "An invitation to a Halloween party." He answered with a shrug. "Oh? That's nice." Sally said. "No. It's from Paulina. She just wants me to go, because she thinks I'm cute and she wants to date me." He retorted. "I'm not interested though. Paulina is literally the most shallow girl I know. Her entire existence revolves around herself and she thinks everything else does too." Percy said. "Oh." Sally said trailing off. "Yea, but I'll have to go anyway." Now she looked confused.

"Why?" Sally asked. "She's basically blackmailing me. She invited all of my friends, but she thinks they're losers and geeks so if I don't go they don't get in." He said bitterly. "Oh, so she's..." Sally trailed off again. "A bitch. Yes." Percy finished for her. "Harsh words." Sally muttered. "Meh, I'll just send a duplicate. I don't like her enough to show up myself." Percy waved off. "Are you sure? Will the duplicate last that long?" I chuckled. "I'm sure it will." He said without worry. "I actually want to visit Bella for Halloween." He said. "Maybe travel a bit." He shrugged. "What about spending time with us?"

"I'll be around for the evening and night. I just wanna travel for the morning." He answered. Sally nodded, she could do with that. As the two settled into a nice silence, someone knocked on the door. Percy looked ready to stand up, but Seras was already walking over. She pulled open the door and was met with two women, a man showered than even her and three to five thug like men.

The women were attractive, though less so than Seras herself. The one on the right of the short man is blonde like herself, but a lighter shade. Almost platinum blonde. She's paler than Seras, which is odd due to the whole vampire thing. She's taller than Seras as well and she's dressed in a white cocktail dress with different accessories.

The other woman, on the left has dark skin that's wearing a black, pinstripe dress with a white belt and glasses. She looks like a bank teller or something. She's also wearing a lot of accessories.

On to the short man, that was clearly the most important one. He's clearly overweight with a black, receding hair. He's wearing a silk, white button up shirt under a custom made brown coat with a collar lined with white fur and black pants, shoes and gloves. Lastly, he has a slightly elongated nose.

"Um, hello. Can I help you?" Seras asked, immediately on guard by these people. "Oh we got a Brit, do we." The blonde said with an English accent so thick even Seras was sent reeling. "Well, well. What a lovely lil las you are. What's your name sweetheart?" The short man asked with a slightly less thick English accent. "Seras Victoria. May I ask why you're here?" Seras asked again, this time a bit more sternly. "Is the darkest Knight home?" The short man asked. Suddenly Percy was behind Seras, making the 'guests' jump. "I'll handle this Seras."

He said. Seras nodded and left, walking back into the apartment. The short man was watching her walk away until Percy leaned on the wall, blocking his view.

"You wanted to see me?" Percy asked. "You? You're the Darkest Knight?" The demigod shrugged. "I've heard that's what the maggots in Gotham were calling me, but I've never gone by that name personally." He replied. "Now, why did you crawl out of your roach infested city? This ain't a social visit." Percy said. "Business lad. Let me in?" The short man's asked, but Percy knew it wasn't a question. "You got a demon for me to kill?" The hunter asked.

"No." Percy raised an eyebrow. "Vampire? Dragon? Monster of any sort?" He asked. "Not at all lad. I don't deal with beasts." The potbelly said. "Well I do, which means we have no business to discuss. You wasted your time." Percy went to close the door, but it was stopped by the umbrella the short man was holding. "Now 'old on there boy-o." He said. Percy narrowed his eyes and opened the door again, only to see the thugs holding AR-15s at him.

Percy's annoyed expression turned into a smile, showing his glistening fangs and his eyes turned red. His hair started to wave and grew only a few inches longer.

"Let's take this outside boys." He said. The blood thirst and malice in his voice sending shivers down their spines. "That is, if you really want the 'business'."

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