Chapter 17

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Third POV
November 17th
Time: 9:30am

Percy sat on his couch, watching tv with a bored look on his face. He obviously didn't care about what they were showing on the tv. It was early in the morning and everyone had gone to work. Seras decided to go clothes shopping, because she was tired of wearing the same thing every day. This left Percy alone for the time being.

"I need a fucking hobby." As you can see, he's not coping well. Percy stood up and turned off the tv. He grabbed one of his coats, a bunch of money and put on his shoes. He then left the apartment to take a walk. Percy walked through the streets of New York, looking for anything to do. Harley had bought him some coats. Maybe he could buy her something.

In the two years that she's been there, he hasn't done anything for her other than taking care of her wounds and the occasional sponge bath when she couldn't move and his mother didn't have the time or energy to do it. With that in mind he headed in the direction of Sweet on America. He reached the place in record time. Inside he saw the new girl and...

 Inside he saw the new girl and

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"Wow." He said. "Oh, hello! How can I help..." The girl's nose twitched and she frowned. "What are you?" She asked. "I'm Percy. You must be the new employee." He said. "Don't act innocent with me. Why are you in this world?!" The girl yelled angrily. Percy gave a confused expression and Sally tan from the back. "What's going on Ilulu?!" She asked. "Sally! Get back!" Sally looked at Percy and sighed. "No, no. Ilulu, it's fine. That's my son. Percy." She said, causing Ilulu calm down. "But, I can smell it. He's a god. Or a Devil. He's something!" She exclaimed.

"I know. Listen, calm down and go into the back. We'll talk later." Ilulu gave Percy a glare while Percy looked passive. She then stomped into the back. "What was that about?" He asked. "Apparently she's a dragon from a different world or dimension. She's had bad experiences with gods." Percy shook his head. "Damn. Even in different worlds the gods are dicks." Sally lightly slapped his arm. "What do you need?" She asked. "I just wanted to know Harley's measurements. She bought me a few coats and I wanted to pay her back." He said. "Clown themed please!" Harley yelled back form the back.

"I'll try!" He called back. Sally laughed. "Hold on." She said and got a sticky note. She pulled out a pen and wrote down Harley's measurements. How does she know them? She's gone shopping for Harley. Duh. Sally handed him the sticky note and he thanked her before leaving. He then wandered around the city for a good looking place to buy clothes for the blonde woman.

After ten minutes of aimlessly walking around Percy finally found a Forman Mills. He walked in and nodded politely to the receptionist or whatever they're called. Percy walked straight to the women's section. He got a few weird looks, but Percy ignored them. The first thing that he saw that screamed 'Harley' to him was a shirt that said 'Daddy's Lil Monster'. He picked it up and kept going. Hw searched the rest of the clothes, picking out random things that he felt would fit Harley's aesthetic.

Unfortunately no matter where he went, he just couldn't find anything clown or jester related. He went up to the cash register and as he was paying, he asked to the cashier.

"Um, we might have somethings in the back from Halloween. Would you like someone to check?" She asked. "Yes please. Preferably female." He said. She made a call on the phone and a few minutes later a male employee walked up to them holding an outfit. "This was all that we could find." He said holding it out. Percy took one look over it and decided it was great. "That's a lot of female clothes. They for your girlfriend?" The male asked. "Sister. She got in a bad accident and now she's paying me to do her shopping." Percy replied. "Really? Huh, a bit late for her to want a jester costume, isn't it?" Percy shrugged. "I don't care enough to question it."

With that, he left the store and went back home. After putting the bags in Harley's room he went back to his own and laid down. It was then that he realized that he was right back to being bored. He laid there for an hour before saying fuck it and picking up his guns. Especially the two new ones.


Gunshots rang out like booming thunder. A large silver sword cut through the air and any demons in its way. Blood flew through the air and stained the ground. Bodies steamer and turned to dust. The smile on Percy's face was one of euphoria and pure pleasure. His eyes showed nothing, but sadistic glee and unhinged joy. He whooped and laughed with happiness as demon after demon fell. With each kill, Percy seemed to grow happier and fight harder.

"Wooooohohoo! This is what I live for!" Percy yelled as he grabbed a Hell Pride by the face and slammed it into the ground. The hellish landscape cracked under his strength. He kicked behind him, which hit a Hell Caina in the chest, sending it into a chaos. A riot charged him and attempted to slice him to ribbons. Percy caught the demon by the throat and ignored the claws that entered his chest. Percy transformed his arm into claws and smiled.

His claws was shoved into the chest of the riot, making it squeal in pain before disintegrating. He transformed his arm back into his normal hand and called Rebellion back to him as he had thrown it away. Percy looked around and found no demons in sight. He sighed in disappointment. Having no more playings Percy put Rebellion on his back, summoned Yamato and opened a portal back to earth.

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