Chapter 30

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Third POV
Date: 12/24/07
Time- 7:45am
Jackson Residence
Manhattan, New York

Percy woke up the next morning knowing that today was going to be pure bullshit. How'd he know? Well, he was woken up with a bullet drilling itself into his skull.

"Ok, guess we're doing this." He muttered and teleported behind his assailant. He didn't even wait for an explanation. No witty banter, no sarcastic remark or snarky comment. Nope, just killed him. Punched a hole straight through his head and let him fall from the roof to the sidewalk. He teleported back into his room and sighed. "This is going to be an eventful day. I can tell." He said to himself. "Master?" Seras asked sleepily from her coffin.

"It's nothing." Percy said with a dismissive wave. "Anyway, it's time to get up. We have business." He said. Seras sluggishly pushed open the bottom half of her coffin and stepped out. "Bloooood." She whined. Percy held out his arm, but she bypassed that and went straight for his neck. She sunk her rows of sharp teeth into his flesh. Percy just stood there, his arm still held out. 'Yep, definitely one of those days.' He thought as he put his arm down and Seras stepped back. "You awake now?" He asked.

"Yup! Awake and ready to go!" She exclaimed happily. Percy nodded and stepped out on to the fire escape. "You stay with my mother and Harley today." He said and jumped down to the street. For the first time in a while, Percy ran. He didn't run too fast, not even fast enough to break the sound barrier. He just wanted to put as much distance between the apartment and him as possible while also drawing the lingering eyes that were on him away. He once again reached the the shadier parts of Manhattan.

"Ok, you can come on out now." He said. A woman appeared in front of him in a flash of smoke. Well, she thought she did. Percy saw her parkour down the side of one of the building, throw a smoke bomb and flip into the smoke. He just didn't say anything. "You here to collect on the bounty?" He asked. "That depends. If you can pass the tests, we shall fight." She said. "Tests? Does it look like I have time for tests?" Percy asked. "You will make time or innocents will die." Percy smiled. "You know what, you're right. Let's see these tests." She nodded and disappeared in another smoke bomb.

In other words, she jumped back up the building. 'Ok, let's see where this shit goes.' Percy thought. He figured that he'd stick around this place, just to have an empty place to fight if things got ugly. So he just walked around that area, waiting.

Time- 8:00am
Jackson Residence

Seras was sitting in Percy's room, on his computer when a terrible smell hit her nose. It smelled like piss, beer and... something else. She couldn't really describe it. All she knew was that it wasn't something a normal person would be able to smell. Percy had explained the feeling to her. Seras stood up and rushed to the door when she heard a knock.

Sally was getting ready to open the door, but the blonde reached her just in time. She gripped the woman's shoulder and gently pulled my back. Seras carefully opened the door and looked at the man on the other side. He was repulsive in both smell and appearance. Something odd about him though, was the glowing

"Well, well, aren't you a pretty little thing." He said with a tick Australian accent. "Can I help you?" Seras asked. "Woah, woah. Let's not be hasty here darling. What's your name?" He asked. Seras frowned. "If there's nothing I can help you with, please leave." She went to close the door, but the man stopped her and tried to push it open. Seras was a lot stronger than she appeared to be though. "Heh, alright. Percy Jackson, is he here?" The man asked. "He's not. He stepped out." Seras said sternly. "Hm, well that ain't good for business." The man said. "Now, how about you open this door and make things easy for me, and no one has to get hurt, eh lil tart?"

Anger swelled up inside of Seras at the word 'tart'. Don't get her wrong, she wouldn't change a thing about the day she met Percy. However, the nickname still lit a fire fire in her chest that only violence could put out. The blonde fledgling yanked the door open and sent the hairy man flying into the apartment across the hall with a vicious left jab.

The woman that lived there, Catherine as Percy called her in earlier chapters screamed when a man came flying through her now broken door. Seras stalked into the apartment, her now crimson eyes a blaze with fury. The man stood up and pulled out two very large butterfly knives.

"Damn, strong one you are, aren't ya? Fuck, that actually hurt." He muttered. Seras ignored him. "Names Kano dear. Let's make the fun, eh?" He said and lunged. Seras ignored the blade entering her shoulder and head butted Kano in the nose. Having already had a vampire strenue enhanced punch to the face, Kano reeled back in agony. He was then spartan kicked into a wall. Catherine was hiding behind her island, practically shivering.

Seras was in Kano in a second, punching him twice more in the face before tackling him out of the window and in to an alleyway. She went to punch him again, but was suddenly thrown off of him was pain exploding in her side. Whoever hit her must've had a bunch of momentum and speed as she has gone flying across the street and into a car. Hard enough to dent the door. Sometimes she hated still being partially human. It really pained to be dazed after being hit.

"Why didn't you blast that bitch?" She heard another voice, this one slightly obscured. "Fuckin' tried! Core's dead." Kano said. Seras was slowly getting up and her sight returning from the haze and blur. "Here. Be lucky I brought another one." The other voice said. "Yea, yea." Kano said dismissively. Seras looked over and saw Kano walked out of the alley with another man. This one is completely covered, even sporting a respiratory mask. He held two hook swords.

"Las is strong, so be careful." Kano said. "Hah, please. Like she can catch me." The other zone said and disappeared from sight. Seras' senses went crazy and she was knocked away again, rolling like a rag doll and hitting another car. This time two large gashes were slowly healing on her side. "Ow." She moaned in pain. "Wow. And you apparently hang around 'The Darkest Knight'?" The super speed man laughed. Seras got up once she was healed and swung at him. She missed as he easily sped away from her. Seras stumbled and Kano, using his new core and that weird mechanical eye, shot a red laster right at her face.

Seras screamed in absolute agony as her face was burned off. Her vision went dark due to her eyes being completely destroyed. Her senses tingled and she was once again sent flying. She smashed into something hard, it felt like stone. A wall likely. The only reason her body was healing so fast was, because she had Percy's blood in her system, but that was quickly being burned through.

"Should we finish her off now?" The unnamed man asked. "Nah, you see those knockers? Those ain't something you come by much and definitely ain't something you pass up. Let's have a bit of fun first, aye?" Kano suggested. The second she felt someone touching her breasts, Seras lashed out with a punch. She heard a crack, but it wasn't bone. It was metal.

"Damn, knocked him out in one luv. Knew he was a glass canon." Kano muttered the last part to himself. Apparently she had just knocked out his friend which was good. No more surprise super speed attacks. She shakily stood up and prepared to fight Kano. Her senses alarmed her of a punch that she blocked, but it was short lived as Kano just followed up with an uppercut to her stomach. As the fight continued, he landed nearly every hit on her. Some she blocked, but it was short lived as she'd just get hit by the follow up. She was knocked back and collapsed to the ground.

Her vision was just returning, but it was still mostly darkness. It was quickly turned into complete darkness when the same burning sensation hit her face and she passed out. Now, she was swimming in a sea of black. She could see nothing.

"Seras." A very familiar voice called. "Master?" She asked looking around. "Seras." Percy said again, but she couldn't see him. "Master? Where are you? Where am I?" She asked and suddenly, she was back in Percy's room. She was sitting in the bed, with the blue pajamas she wore after first meeting Percy that night. Percy sat next to her in his chair. "Seras." He said softly and gently grabbed her chin.

"What in the FUCK are you doing?!"

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