Chapter 36

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(Read the first paragraph then watch the video. You'll know when to pause. Tried to use a picture, but Wattpad didn't like it)

Third POV
Jackson Residence
Manhattan, New York
Date: 1/20/08
Time- 11:38pm

Percy reappeared in his apartment, now standing in his room. Seras was gone, he doesn't know where, but she wasn't in the coffin and he didn't immediately sense her presence so she has to be out. He could sense Sally, who was asleep and Harley, who was in the kitchen. Copperhead was in his room, sleeping on the floor on a little cot. Likely tired from training all day. Percy sat the child down and walked out of his room, with her following after him with a cute little waddle. He chuckled at the sight. Percy walked into the kitchen and saw Harley in her underwear, bent over rummaging through their fridge.

"Really, harls?" Percy asked, making the woman jump with a cute 'eep'. She has a ziplock bag of cookies in her mouth and a can of whipped cream in her hand. "Oh, Mista J!" She said in a muffled voice and hugged him. "Hm, hm!" Nezuko exclaimed from her spot, holding her hands up and bouncing on the balls of her feet. Harley backed away slightly and looked down. "Who's the kid?" She asked. Percy picked Nezuko up and held her with one arm.

"This is Nezuko. Little demon kid I found on the job. Couldn't bring myself to kill her when she had no negative feelings or thoughts so I decided to bring her back with me." Percy explained. "Awww, she's adorable!" Harley squealed as she pinched the girls cheeks. "What's with the muzzle?" Percy shrugged. "No idea. She had it on when I found her. I assume some human put it on her to keep her from eating humans. Not gonna remove it until I can read her memories and find out her full story." Percy said.

"Wait, you can't now?" Harley asked and Percy shook his head. "Nope. Something's blocking them. I got nothing other than her name and even that was hard. She can't even think English, just grunts and growls, but when it comes to important stuff other voices can break through." Percy explained. Harley took Nezuko from Percy and started playing with her. Throwing her up and blowing raspberries. Percy looked at the forgotten cookies and whipped cream that was on the floor and counter. He picked up the baggie of cookies. He also took the whipped cream and walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

He didn't turn the tv on, figuring that it would be too loud so he just got on his phone. He leaned back, kicking up his feet and watching YouTube. It didn't take long for Nezuko and Harley to find and join him in laying down with the blonde stealing a cookie from his mouth.

"Sheesh, I haven't had you for more than three hours and you're already acting the daughter part." Percy chuckled. "Does that make me the mommy?" Harley smiled down at him with lidded eyes. Percy bonked her on the head. "No sexy talk in front of the child that can't understand us." He said. The blonde huffed with a smile and laid on his chest, after kissing his cheek. Nezuko was seemingly already asleep on his chest. Percy kept watching videos until he eventually fell asleep.

Date: 1/21/08
Time- 10:00am
(Also, no. I haven't forgotten about those kittens. Nico and Bianca kept two and Percy kept the last. It's just not very important right now, but I'll put in a scene with it)

Percy was woken up by feeling stares on him. He opened his eyes and saw the red eyes of Seras' staring down at him. There was multiple emotions in her eyes right now. Confusion, judgment and jealousy to name a few.

"Good morning Seras." Percy greeted. "Why do you have a child?" She asked. "Found her on a job." He said simply. "That give me nothing." She said. "Maybe, but remember the rule. No questioning the master." Percy said jokingly. "I'm a full vampire now so you're not my master anymore." Seras replied in the same tone. Percy smirked up at her. "That is true. Guess I can focus all my attention on Bell and maybe Harley now, since you don't need me anymore." He said. Seras' smile fell. "That was low."

Percy chuckled, waking Harley up.

"Oh, heya fangs. How's it chomping?" She asked. Seras grumbled about stupid puns and names from stupid jesters. Harley got up and Percy picked Nezuko up and took her to his bedroom. He made sure the child was comfortable with his kitten, that he had named Mr. Meowgi, despite the cat being a girl. She was snuggled against the girl's face making Percy chuckle in amusement. He left the room and went back to the living room, where he saw his mother in the kitchen.

"Morning mom." He waved. "Morning hun. What's this I hear about a kid?" Sally asked. Percy explained what he did to Harley. Sally nodded, accepting all of this fairly well. Percy honestly thought that she would've drawn the line at that, but apparently not. "So, anything on the agenda today?" Percy shrugged. "Don't know. Depends on what happens today." He said. "Oh, oh! We can go shopping for lil Nezzy! Her clothes look super old." Harley said bouncing up and down excitedly.

"I guess we could. We also need more cat food and litter." Percy muttered thoughtfully. "Great! So let's go!" She yelled. "Nezuko is sleeping, Harls and it doesn't look like she's waking up anytime soon." Percy said. "That's fine. I'll just take her measurements and we can go." The blonde said and ran into the back. Percy watched her go until he felt Seras glaring at the back of his head. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm going with you." She said. Percy shrugged. "No problem here." He said.

Harley came back out dressed and ready to go. Seras altered her usual uniform to seem more casual and the three were off with a bye from Sally.

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