Chapter 7

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Percy POV

After leaving a duplicate with Harley and teleporting myself, my mom and the car into Forks, I teleported back to Bella's house. My duplicate was still there, helping her with her calculus. I fused back with him and helped her finish her homework.

"Thanks Percy." She said. I waved her thanks off. "Don't worry about it." I said. "No, really. That stuff was torture. How do you deal with it?" I gave her a look. "I don't. I rarely do. I just have a really good memory." She says next to me after putting her books and bag in the corner of her room. "Who atecthe strawberry sundae?" I asked looking at where it was on the dresser. "You." She laughed. "Asshole."

Bella laughed louder at me calling my duplicate an asshole. I pouted at her. Now, I could've easily shut her up with a kiss on the cheek, but eh. I'll let her have this one.

I laid back on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. Just thinking about what could possibly happen. Down time for me is a double edged sword. On one hand, I love it. It allows me to just do what I want and relax. Spend time with friends and family. That stuff. On the other hand, it nearly always meant that something big was coming. Something that would drag me away from them for days to months on end.

Fighting isn't a problem for me. I can kill nearly anything and survive almost anything else. I just don't like being dragged away for too long. Especially when I end up gone for more than a month. Ugh, thinking about serious things make my brain hurt.

"Percy!" I snapped back to reality and looked at Bella. "Are you ok? You weren't answering." She said. "Oh yea. I'm fine." I said. "Just thinking." I sat up and stretched. "Ok." She said with worry in her voice. "We'll, your mom texted and said that she was on her way." She said. I nodded. "Wait, you read my texts?" I asked. "No, it just popped up on the lock screen." She said looking away and avoiding eye contact. "Bella. I don't have a lock on my phone and I keep my notifications hidden, because I lie. A lot."

She hid her face with her hair. I chuckled and moved her hair behind her ear. Ya know, I never really noticed how pale she is. I've spent a lot of time with her over the past few days and I never actually noticed that she was super pale. You could actually mistake her for one of the glitter bomb victims. So when she blushed, it really stood out.

"Ya know, I don't mind you looking at my texts. You already know that I lied, so what's the point. However, I would like to know why?" Bella didn't answer. Just started fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Just then my phone dinged. Checking it, Sally said she was pulling up. "You got lucky this time. I'll drop it. See ya downstairs." I said and kissed her cheek. I then left the room while Bella stewed in her embarrassment.

I reached the bottom of the stairs just as the doorbell rang. The chief stood from his chair and walked over, taking a glance at me.

"Where's Bella?" He asked. "Finishing up the last bit of her homework." He nodded and pulled open the door. My wonderful caretaker/mother, Sally Jackson stood there with her dazzling smile. "Hello, I'm not late, am I?" She asked. "No, not at all. I'm Charlie Swan." He said holding out a hand. "Sally Jackson. It's so nice to meet you." She said shaking his hand. She then looked past him and at me. "I hope Percy has been behaving." I gave her a tight smile. "He's been fine." Charlie said. I gave him a 'wth' look behind his back, but didn't say anything.

(Nothing important happened at the dinner)

After dinner mom and I went home, reappearing in front of the apartment building.

"Ya know, we should really move. Getting a bit crowded in our apartment." I said. "Maybe, but that takes a lot of money that we don't have." I looked at her with a 'really? Did you just say that' look. "Right. Never mind." She said and walked into the house. I shook my head in amusement and followed her in.

A Week Later
Third POV

Percy was walking down a street in Brooklyn. He had headphones on, listening to 'I like to move it'. It was a gloomy day, the sky covered by light gray clouds. It wasn't exactly cold, but it wasn't hot either. It was perfect to Percy. He loved days like this. It was even better that Halloween was right around the corner. Percy was on his way to the beach on Firefly Island.

While the beach wasn't exactly his favorite place, he did enjoy sitting on one of the benches and just looking out at the vast ocean. It helped him think on what he wanted to do. With his money, with his time. With his future. It allowed him to think on the 'serious things' without getting a headache. He reached his destination and took a seat in front of a permanently closed grocery store. 

Crossing his legs, he just stared out at the ocean and started thinking.

In Gotham

Penguin sat in an abandoned building in a makeshift office. The room had been cleaned up to fit his 'standards'. Candy and Tracey were also there, but they're sitting a few feet away on a couch. Tracey smoking a cigarette.

"Um, Mr. Cobblepot. Sir?" A henchman asked peaking into the room. "The hell you want?!" Penguin asked harshly. "I think I've found the Darkest Knight." This caught the short man's attention. "Well? Tell me what ya got!" The man scurried into the room and sat a folder down in front if the mob boss. "Sorry boss, but all I got is an address and a few pictures." Penguin snatched up the folder and looked through it. He smiled and nodded his head. "This is plenty. Now get outta here." The henchman hurriedly left.

"So, what did you want to know where he lived for baby?" Candy asked. "Business luv. Business."

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