Chapter 38

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Third POV
Manhattan, New York
Date: 1/22/08
Time- 2:57pm

After Percy and Catherine had gotten into the car, they went to some random grocery store, where they now were. Percy pushed the cart while Catherine lead him around, picking things up. From what Percy could tell, she was gathering things for a pie. As the two shopped, they made idle chitchat. Just talking about the specifics of what they'd been doing. Catching up like old friends basically. Percy tried to keep the demon hunting information to himself. Not for any dumb superhero reasons. He just didn't feel like explaining it, showing proof and possibly having the government after him again. He dealt with that once and decided that another 'Manhattan Massacre' wouldn't be worth the trouble.

How no one knew that was exactly him that had slaughtered countless people then blew up a nuke somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, he doesn't know.

"Percy? What's wrong dear?" Catherine asked, making him look at her. "Hm?" He asked. "You weren't answering, so I thought something was wrong." She said worriedly. "Oh, no. Nothings wrong. Just thinking." He replied. "Penny for your thoughts?" She questioned. "Just wondering how I can tell this certain woman that she makes the best pies I've ever tasted in my life." Percy deflected and it worked perfectly. "Oh, I'm sure she'll love to just hear it out right, but if you ask me, going to her house and tasting a new recipe would definitely make her happy." Catherine said, playing along.

"Well then, I think I know what I'm doing when I get home." Percy voiced with a smile. Catherine smiled back at him. After their shopping trip, she took him to Five Guys. Percy ordered Harley something, seeing as he'd be spending a few hours at Catherine's place he didn't need anything to eat. They also went to an ice cream parlor so Percy can get Harley's stuff. He also got himself something and even Catherine asked for a cone of chocolate. Of course, Percy ridiculed her for this option. There was a small argument, but it was all jokingly. Finally, they made it back to the apartment building.

"Hey, foods here." Percy called to his jester helper. Harley bounded into the kitchen where he sat everything down. "Save me at least two banana splits." Percy said as he put his jacket away and walked towards the door. "Huh, where are you going?" Harley asked. "Just across the hall. Catherine wants me to try out a new pie recipe she has." He said. "Oh, ok." Harley shrugged. Percy frowned at the undertone he heard, but still left. He could deal with whatever she was feeling later.

Percy just walked into Catherine's apartment, knowing that she knew he was coming over and left the door unlocked. Her apartment was very different from Percy's. The wallpaper had this grandmotherly feel to it. Kind of dated, but also comforting. It was surprisingly very dim in her apartment and slow tunes played softly in the background. Catherine is in the kitchen, cutting something. Percy didn't pay too much attention. Not when his nose licked up the wonderful smell of lasagna wafted into his nose.

"Lasagna?" Percy asked. Catherine smiled. "Yep. I figured you'd need something to eat while waiting for the pie so I heated some up from last night." She explained. Percy nodded and sat on the couch. She brought him a plate of steaming lasagna before going back to the kitchen. Percy couldn't help, but watch as she walked away, her body jiggling as she went. He silently ate, listening to the soft music that his host was humming along to and thinking. Bella had gone back to school, so he'll be calling her a lot more. He's still technically debating on whether or not he wants to investigate the demon that turned Nezuko.

Logically, it didn't make sense to go. He has no information on what type of demon Nezuko is, how she was turned or anything else. If he had none that he'd be meeting her, he would've absorbed the train demon instead of just killing it. Kie couldn't give him anything on it since she's technically just a coping mechanism. It would be a waste of time to try without information, but he's already attached to the girl. That shifting power must also have some type of attachment power to it as well. Making it harder to want to kill her. Far fetched? Yes, but it's the only explanation Percy could come up with that didn't involve him getting soft.

Then there's Harley, Rosa and Shego. Rosa has been 'thankful' of what he's teaching her. In her own way at least. She never outright says thank you, which he prefers. She's just more teasing and touchy. She seems to just be that type of person. Shego is more of a 'thanks, now fuck off' type. The more she learns, the more distant she grows. Percy wasn't too worried about her. He used his evolved powers to boost her plasma ones, but that also meant that he could force her into the hive mind and control her if he wants. Hell, he could just kill and absorb her too.

Harley, she was growing restless. It's not exactly his fault. He hasn't had any simple jobs lately. He doesn't want to throw her into the ringer on her first job. Percy isn't that cruel, obviously. Percy was so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed that he had finished the lasagna until he bit the fork, making a clanging noise that annoyed the hell out of him and his teeth.

"You've been getting lost in your thoughts a lot." Catherine said, bringing him another plate of lasagna while holding another for herself. "Sorry." He apologized. "Still thinking about that woman?" She teased. Percy smiled at her. "Maybe. She is quite a woman. Hard to get her out of my head." Percy said. Catherine laid a hand on her cheek and smiled with her eyes closed. "Oh, aren't you a charmer. I could just eat you up." Percy definitely noticed the switch in tone when she said that, but he's ignore it. For now.

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