Chapter 1

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Third POV

Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin. A high level gangster in Gotham City and also well known for having information on everyone and everyone thing. If something happens in Gotham, he knows about it. The short, fat man sat in his penthouse with two women, Tracey Buxton and Candy. His assistants and current 'concubines' you could call them. A cigar was lit between his lips and a glass of iced whiskey sat on the table next to him.

All was going good in his life currently. Which is exactly why fate decided to shake things up a bit. His window was broken from the outside and a large, black ball of cloth rolled in and landed with a heavy thud. Penguin jumped out of his seat in fear, his cigar falling to the floor.

"What the fuck!?" He exclaimed in shock and fear. Tracey and Candy ran to his side. The ball of black stood up to show itself to be a tall, imposing man. He's dressed in dark gray armor with a black cape and a cowl that covers half of his face and has pointed ears that look like bat ears. "Batman?! The hell do you want?!" Penguin asked, his shock turning into anger. His voice is gruff and has a thick English accent. "The Darkest Knight. Who are they?" Batman asked.

"What? Who the fuck is 'the darkest knight'?" Penguin asked. Batman wasn't having any of that. He was on Cobblepot in a second, holding him up by his collar. "Don't lie to me. They've made enough of a name for me to hear about them, so you've known about them for at least a month. Now talk!" Batman growled. "Alright, alright! Just put me down!" The caped crusader threw him into a chair.

"Look, all I know is that he's a boy. That's it, I swear. I don't know his age, don't know what he looks like. Nothing." Penguin said. "Where is he?" Batman asked. "I don't know. He just appears and disappears! He's got more mystery around him than even you do!" Batman punched the table and got in Cobblepot'a face. "Oy!! Watch the furniture!" Tracey yelled indignantly stomping over and slapping his shoulder, but Batman shoved her away. She landed on her ass. "The truth, Penguin." He growled.

"Fine! Fine!" Penguin relented. "He stays in Manhattan. That's it! I swear!" Batman glared at the short man, making him sweat before backing off. "If I find out your hiding anything, I'll be back." Batman said and jumped through another window, disappearing into the night. The Penguin sighed and started grumbling angrily about overly aggressive bats.

In Wyoming

Percy walked through the streets of Jeffrey City in his normal vampire hunting uniform

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Percy walked through the streets of Jeffrey City in his normal vampire hunting uniform. A giant grin on his face and his sunglasses appearing as two glowing orangish red dots. The very few people that were out would all clamber out of his path in a hurry, unsettled by the large smile, the darkness covered face and the seemingly red eyes. He looked to be a demon from hell.

Percy walked up to then front porch of a house and rang the doorbell. Inside the house was a blood bath. It was splattered and smeared all of the wall, dripping from the ceiling and it stained the carpets. Inside were two people standing over the corpses of a married couple and three children, all under the age of twelve. The people couldn't be any older than twenty at the most. They were unbelievably pale with glowing red eyes. Each held a gun. The man an smg and the female a simple pistol.

The two seemed to be a couple themselves, if them making out heatedly were of any indication. When the doorbell rang, the two pulled away with the man glaring in the general direction of the door. He cautiously walked over with his gun raised.

"Who is it?!" He called, glaring at the door. "Oh, you know." Percy started, you could hear the smile on his face. "A real fucking vampire." He finished and started firing Ivory through the door, putting dozens of holes not only in the door, but also in the vampire male. He desperately attempted to shoot back, but the bullets went through Percy like he wasn't even there. He walked into the house, smile still on his face. "You can't turn your body to mist or even heal your wounds." Percy said, reloading the white gun.

"Yet, you call yourself a vampire? You call yourself Nosferatu. Disgusting." He spat and emptied the entirety of his new clip into the male. The 'younger' vampire could do nothing to stop the assault on his person. He was riddled with bullet holes and bleeding profusely. When the last bullet had been shot Percy rushed in, seemingly teleporting right in front of the man and shoved his hand through his chest, piercing the heart and killing the waste of space. As soon as the heart was destroyed, the monster wilted away and turned into dust.

Percy stared at the pile of dirt emotionlessly before his smile came back.

"Police girl, do you see the target?" He asked to no one in particularly. "Ok, first. My name is Seras Victoria and secondly, yes. I have the target in sight." Suddenly, Percy was on the roof. Standing behind a blonde haired woman with childlike, wide blue eyes and blonde hair styled into two spiky ponytails. She wore a yellow uniform with a short skirt and a shirt that hugged her large breasts. "Well, what are you waiting for? Take the shot." Seras sighed in annoyance and lined up her shot, her eyes turning red for a fraction of a second.

The trigger was pulled and her bullet flew true, it pierced the back of the fleeing female vampire, causing her torso to explode. Seras relaxed her shoulders and lowered her gun. Percy laid a hand on her head and slightly ruffled her hair.

"You're getting good." He said. His smile showed affection, rather than murderous glee. "Thank you, my master." She said. Percy's eye twitched at the title, but he knew there was no stopping her from using it. He's tried. A lot. "Let's go. We need to get home. I have a dance to get to tomorrow." Seras nodded. "Sir yes sir!" Seras jumped up with her rifle and followed him away from the house.

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