Chapter 31

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Third POV
Time- 8:45am
Location: Dukes

Percy backflipped away from the giant crocodile man when he tried to swipe him with his claws. He then dashed in and landed a punch on his ribs. Percy heard the satisfying crunch of ribs being broken and an scream of pain from the giant monster. Killer Croc tried to punch him, Percy Percy caught the fist and threw him over his shoulder in a judo flip. Percy then slammed his foot on his enemies arm, crushing it and followed that up with a vicious kick to the shoulder.

Croc's arm was brutally ripped from his body as he went skidding to the edge of the roof. Killer Croc roared in pain and agony. Percy slowly walked over, a sick smile on his face. He leaned over the terrified lizard man.

"Was it worth it? Trying to get a quick buck with no information on who you were going after

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"Was it worth it? Trying to get a quick buck with no information on who you were going after." Percy said. "I find it kinda funny. Penguin wanted me dead so desperately, but to be honest? All he did was get rid of bunch or Gotham's strongest villains. Ain't that a bitch." Percy stood up straight and stomped on Killer Croc's head, turning it into nothing, but mush. He then absorbed the giant man with his prototype powers.

"Well, you definitely aren't like Batman." Percy looked over and saw the woman again. "Still barely know who that is, but meh. Anyway, what's your name again? Didn't catch it last time." He said. "I'm known as Lady Shiva." She answered. "Shiva then, got it." Percy nodded. "I assumed you were similar to Batman, but seeing as I am wrong, most of my tests are useless against you. So we will need to skip to the last." Shiva said and snapped her fingers. Three female ninjas all jumped on to the roof and took out a tanto. Shiva got into a hand to hand stance.

"Ok. I can get with this." Percy smiled and made a come hither motion. A woman ran at him and front flipped into an over head. Percy leaned to the side, letting the blade pass by him harmlessly. He blocked another sword and parried Shiva's kick. Percy spun around an attack from behind and kicked her in the ass. She stumbled forward, but quickly recovered by rolling and jumping back up. Percy causally dodged, blocked and parried any attack that they threw at him. Even Shiva was couldn't hit him.

Percy, while not having fun with the fight was having fun when he saw their expressions grow more and more frustrated. Shive kept her face stoic, but he could feel her thoughts and he knew that she was getting annoyed. She was able to actually hit Batman, but him. It's like he knew what they were going to do before they even could do it. Wait, that mark on his head. Was it always that prominent? And his hair, did it always flicker and wave like that?

Percy himself was distracted. He could feel Seras in a fight and she was loosing. Badly. So, he stretched out his mind and found her. She was unconscious and damn near dead. Entering her mind, he saw her floating in a vast ocean of darkness. Percy called out to her, but she couldn't find him. He did so again, but when she still couldn't find her he forcefully changed what her mindscape looked like. It now looked like his room, the same night she was found.

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