Chapter 4

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Percy POV

It's been a few days since I met Alice and Bella. I checked out the boats and got the scent of the vampires that were there. Now its just a matter of tracking it. The bastards are smart to a degree, never staying in one place and even marking their scent in one direction, masking it then going in the other direction. Had to say, I was having fun in this little hunt. It's been a while since I encountered vampires this smart.

Although it could just be, because they're a subspecies that clearly thinks they're the only species. Funny. However, I had caught their scent and was following it. It had lead me into a forest, which Forks seemed to be surrounded with. As he got closer Percy picked up more vampires, but they seemed more docile. Alice and Bella were among them.

"Huh, must be Alice's family." I muttered. I jumped into the trees and hopped from branch to branch. Yes, I can fly. Doesn't mean I wanna do it all the time. When you do something enough it gets boring. I landed on a branch that overlooked a large clearing. Three vampires, two males and one female were crouched threateningly in front of Alice and her family. Bella was in the middle of them, reeking of fear. I tuned into their conversation, just go get some context.

"You brought a snack?" The blonde male asked with a tone(?). "The girl is with us." Said the oldest male vampire on Alice's side. "I think it best you leave." I stopped listening. There was enough context. I pulled out Ivory and fired three shots all I rapid succession. Wow, these guys were pretty damn easy.

"Percy?!" I looked over at the Cullen family, who were staring in my direction. Bella was the one that called me. "Sup." I said from behind her. She jumped and almost fell if I hadn't caught her. "You're so adorably clumsy." I smirked at her. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Yea, I lied when I said that I was passing through to a wedding. I'm actually a supernatural monster hunter. I get paid to kill monsters that hurt innocents and someone paid me to kill the vampires responsible the disappearances."

Bella stared at me. Gaping mouth, wide eyes. Her expression was kind of funny honestly.

"That's... pretty fucking cool." A buff dude said. "It is. The life of freedom. Mostly. Anyway, my job is done. See ya. I'll call ya Bella." I said and started walking away. "Wait! Wait, hold on." Alice said speeding in front of me. "We have questions." She said. "I have answers, but why should I give them?" I asked. "Well, it's the polite thing to do." I laughed. "I'm not a nice person, but fine. I've got a few questions for you guys too." I turned back to the only human. "Looks like I'll be sticking around for a few more hours." I smiled. "Nice. Let's go to our house."


I stared at the group of 'vampires' in disgust and shock. Bella, who was sitting next to me, was trying to hide her laughter behind her hand. The group of fakes were staring back at me like I was the dumb one.

"You.....sparkle? In the sunlight?" I asked in disbelief. "Yea. Don't you?" Emmet, the buff guy from earlier, asked like it was obvious. "No. No I don't. Nothing happens to me in the light. I'm strong enough of a vampire to not be affected. However, I can guarantee that a normal vampire would burn in the sunlight. That's kind of the point. We're monsters that can no longer walk in the light of god. We must live in the darkness that we embraced. We're not walking disco balls." I said with a frown.

"Wow, that's very..... Dracula-y." Emmet laughed. The rest of his family chuckled as well. Don't know why, but this irked me. "Yes. Yes it is." I said and my body distorted and formed into its true, form of darkness. I was reverted to the form of my old life. Black iron armor and a long black and red cloak. Pale skin contrasting with my inky black hair and bright red eyes. "That is how I became a vampire." I said, my voice now holding a Romanian accent.

The Cullens all paused with wide eyes. Bella shuffled away in surprise. I looked back at her, gave a small smile and returned to staring at the obviously uncomfortable family.

"Son, are you actually Dracula?" Carlisle asked carefully. I nodded. "I am." I responded simply. "Oh yea, who's your greatest enemy?" Emmet asked. I raised an eyebrow. "The Turks." I said like he was a dumbass. He hung his head like one. It took them a while to process that they were in the presence of their creator and in that time, I reverted back to my fourteen year old form.

More questions later
Third POV

After dozens more questions, Percy went to find something to eat. No not humans or even animal. Actual human food. Yea, that kinda shocked them too. Bella was in Alice's room, sitting on her bed. The two were surprisingly quiet, but Bella could feel Alice staring at her. She tried to ignore it, but eventually it became too much. Finally, the human looked at her best friend. Alice was staring at her intently with her 'I'm an innocent doll, but tell me now' face.

"What?" Bella asked. "So?" Alice asked. "So....what?" Bella asked. "Soooo......." Alice insisted. "Soooo..... what?" Bella asked with exaggerated hand gestures. "Sooo... you like younger guys." Bella groaned. She knew this was coming the second Alice saw her with Percy. "It's not like that. We met literally the same day you did. Just a bit earlier." Bella said. "Oh, so it's a love at first sight type of thing." Alice said with a romantic smirk. "No. No, it's not." Alice gave her a 'I don't believe you' look.

"Oh, so you have his number for no reason then?" She asked making Bella panic. "You went through my phone?!" She exclaimed lightly smacking her friends arm. "Yea, yea. I'm a horrible friend, beat me up later. For now, tell me why you have his number if you aren't interested in him, hm?" Alice asked. "Percy graduated college when he was ten. He agreed to tutor me." Alice gave Bella a disbelieving look. "That, makes no sense." She said.

"Well." Percy said from the window, making the girls jump and scream. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Alice yelled. In a second, the whole family was in the room. "What's going on?" Jasper asked. He was quiet, but firm. "It's nothing. Percy just scared the hell outta us." Bella breathed. "Sorry about that. I'm used to just teleporting around." He said. "You don't seem sorry." Edward, the second youngest male grouched. Percy just shrugged.

"Can you wear a bell or something." Alice snarked. "I could, but I don't think it'll help much. I'm teleporting. Not running." He said as a matter of factly. After everyone left, Percy sat in a chair that was off to the side. In the corner of the room. "Hey, did you actually graduate college?" Alice asked. "Yup." Percy nodded. "How? That's so crazy." Percy chuckled. "I have five brains and separately, they each have an iq of 250." He said. "So you're like a living super computer?" Alice said. "Yep. Why the questions?" He asked.

"Well, Bella had your number and she said it was because you were going to tutor her. I thought she just liked younger guys." Percy smiled. "I wouldn't mind it." He said winking at Bella. Said human blushed and looked at the bed, fiddling with the fabric. "Aww, too bad you can't date. She'd be eighteen when your fifteen." Alice pouted. "I mean, unless you change your age." She said. "Can you do that?" Percy nodded. "Oh! Never mind then, Bella." The girl laid down and groaned from embarrassment while Percy and Alice laughed at her.

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