Chapter 22

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Third POV

"You're just telling us this now?!" Thalia yelled. "To be fair, I just found out now!" Percy yelled back. "What? Then I do you even know what it is?!" Thalia asked in frustration and confusion. "Supernatural detection." Percy shrugged. "I can sense any and all supernatural beings and immediately know what they are." He said. "What the fuck!? How broken are you?!" Percy just smiled. "Who cares how powerful he is!? Can you deal with the lion?" Zoe asked.

"Easily, yes." Percy nodded. "Would you?" Percy sighed and place the now sleeping kittens in his seat after standing up. "Don't disturb them." He said and phased out of the van. "I hate him." Thalia growled. "Her." Bianca corrected quietly, earning herself a glare. "Wait, why are we letting him deal with this alone? It's your quest." Mikey said, ignoring Bianca mumbling 'her' under her breath. "Yes, it is my quest which is why I must live to see it to the end. If he dies, don't start Bianca." Zoe paused, glaring harshly at the daughter of Hades who was half way into the 'her'. "If he dies then it's just another male dead. The world loses no sleep." She sneered. "Ouch."

Everyone screamed when Percy spoke from his seat, the kittens back in his lap.

"How the fuck did you get back here?" Thalia asked. "I teleported." Percy shrugged. At this point, Thalia had given up. She just slumped over in her chair and scowled. "How did you kill the Nemean lion? It has invulnerable fur." Zoe questioned. "Yeah, when I figured that out I just shot it in the eye." He said causally. "Shot it in the eye." Zoe echoed. She decided to not even question that. While highly difficult, it was also definitely possible. Did she want to believe a male had done it before any of her sisters? No. She'd shut up and accept it though.

Ok, look. I don't remember a lot from any of the books so I try not to incorporate them much, but I do remember the next stop was like New Mexico so....

Percy stood in a coffee shop with Bianca, waiting for their coffee and snacks to be made. She was taking awkward glances at him whenever she felt he wasn't looking, but poor Bianca didn't know that Percy was always watching. Always.

"Isn't it rude to stare?" He asked. Bianca hung her head. "Sorry." She mumbled. "It's fine. I know you're still coping with being a part of this new world. It's disorienting." She nodded. "I know. It's fine. You're likely wondering about the whole 'brother' thing." Bianca looked at him. "For so long, I've had to be the 'adult'. The oldest and the 'boring one'. I don't know what it's like to have an older sibling. Or anyone that can take the responsibility." She said. Percy laughed.

"Well, I can guarantee that I won't be around at that camp much." He said shocking her. "Just because I'm a demigod too doesn't mean I'll be staying there. I survived fourteen years out here and I've done shit that would make even some gods piss themselves. I ain't settling down just yet. Although, I guess I can come around sometimes. Teach you how to fight and how to use your powers." He shrugged seeing her downcast face. Bianca looked up. "Nico would love that." She said. "Nico, that your brother's name?"

Bianca nodded.

"Yea. I'm Bianca di Angelo." Percy looked at her. "Di Angelo? Interesting name." He said. "Really? How?" Bianca asked. "Di Angelo's my middle name." He said. "Wow, really? That's cool." She said. Percy nodded and finally, their food and drinks arrived. Percy gave the dude working there a few hundred bills and walked away. Bianca stared at the money in shock and walked after him. "How much money do you have?" She asked. "Enough." He answered simply. They walked out the store and handed the others what they wanted.

"So, what's up with you Zoe?" Percy asked. She just glared at him. "The van's busted and she can't fix it. So we're stranded right now. Unless you have some power that lets you magically fix cars." Percy shoved the rest of his cinnamon bun in his mouth and stood. "No. Stop it." Thalia demanded. Percy gave her a 'wtf' look. "I don't care if we're stranded, I'm not letting you show how fucking broken you are again, you living video game hack." Percy deadpanned.

"That's just sounds like I've hurt your ego and you hate me for it." Percy said. Thalia glared at him. "Hey, hey. We don't have time for this. No fighting." Mikey said from her place by a tree. Percy shrugged. "I'm not trying to start one." He said. He then looked back suddenly, like he heard something. "What? What is it?" Bianca asked. "It seems that nature has decided to throw us a bone." He said. Just then, they all heard a loud squeal. Specifically, a pig's squeal.

The ground started to shake as loud thumping grew louder and louder, getting closer and closer.

"Um, should we be scared?" Bianca asked. Percy shook his head and folded his hands. Suddenly a calming aura covered the area. It placed a very pleasant feeling on everyone. Not sleepy, not drowsy. It didn't feel forced either. They just felt their stress wash away. The thundering footsteps slowed as a giant boar peacefully walked out of the tree line.

"The Erymanthian Boar." She said. Percy could feel bitterness swell up inside her, but it was quickly washed away. The pig was stood at least thirty feet high and had tusks as large as canoes.  "I'm guessing you were sent to help us." Percy said. The beast nodded. "Well, then. I believe thanks are in order. Everyone, hop on." He said. "What about the camp's van?" Mikey asked. Percy picked up the van with one hand and threw it in a random direction. "What van?" He asked innocently. No body bothered to answer him. They just clambered on to the back of the boat. All aside from Thalia. She was slowly making her way over to it.

She was clammy and pale, her eyes darting around. Her palms were sweating as she was constantly wiping them on her pants. Percy got close to her, close enough to whisper in her ear without the others hearing.

"I could put you to sleep if you'd like." He offered. She looked at him. "Thalia, I'm one scary bitch when I want to be. I know fear when I see if. If you don't want to deal with the height, I'll put you to sleep." He said. "How can I get over it if I don't face it?" She asked. "Baby steps. Immediately jumping to thirty feet high ain't the way to go about it." Percy said. "Why are you trying to help me?" Percy shrugged.

"I don't have a problem with you and if I can make this trip easier and smoother, I'll do it." He said. Thalia nodded. "Thanks." Percy nodded and looked at her eyes. His turned black, like his fathers. "Sleep." He commanded and Thalia feel over. Percy grabbed around her waist and jumped onto the boar's back. "What was that about?" Mikey asked. "Nothing impression. Alright Bubba. Let's ride!"

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