Chapter 28

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Third POV
Date: 12/23/07
Time- 11:34am
Manhattan, New York

It's a cloudy day, casting a gray shadow over the city. Snow softly fell from and immediately melted upon hitting the ground. Business in Manhattan went by unbothered, as normal. People hustling and bustling to their jobs, cars honking and speeding on the streets. Percy walked down these streets alone this time. It was rare that he walked alone, but with Seras protecting Sally, Trish gone and Harley at work, he had no reason to be with anyone else. None of his other friends could hang out. Too close to Christmas.

Percy could feel eyes on him. Watching him. Every store he entered, every corner he turned, every street he crossed. He ignored the feeling, but it was grating on his nerves. Just a bit. He walked into a fairly empty part if the city. Which was weird for New York. Especially Manhattan. However, it is one of the more crime ridden parts. Where the poor and druggies live. Percy sat on a bench next to a play-ground and waited. He didn't have to wait long.

"Take the shot." Percy heard when he let his senses go further than what he normally allowed. "I don't want to." Percy raised an eyebrow. "You think I care what you want? This is life. It's not about what you want. It's about what you need." It was quiet, but Percy could hear fast beating hearts and angry thoughts. Percy locked his teeth and listened. Soon, he heard the sound of a bow string being pulled and an arrow being nocked. Seconds later came the 'thwack' sound of the arrow being fired and the whistle of it flying through the air.

Now, Percy could've done a few things here. He could've let the arrow hit him, as he would easily survive it, but he didn't feel like it. He had done that yesterday after a swat team tried to kill him after he had killed a group of vampires. The 'you can't kill me so I let you hit me' move would be too soon to do now. So he caught the arrow. He then looked at where he heard the heartbeats and teleported behind them. The trio turned to him in shock.

"Ya know, normally I'd love to fight you, but no. Not today. Not really in the mood." Percy said and held up his hand. He pointed at the man and turned his hand upward. Just like that, the masked assassin was dead. His body twisted and contorted into a horrible, disfigured mess of skin, bone and blood. "You two get home to mom. She asked me to leave you alive and I said I would. Don't make me kill you too." Percy said with clear boredom. He then teleported away. The girls didn't see him when they looked around.

"Let's go." The older one with the black hair said. The blonde nodded and they raced off, leaving their dead father on the rooftop.

Date: 12/23/07
Time- 1:56pm
Manhattan, New York
Sweet on America

Percy walked into his mother's small candy store and  spotted the same shirt, big breasted girl he had a problem with before. She looked up and her eyes widened when she him.

"Sup." Percy said giving an upward nod. "Hi." She waved awkwardly. Percy then walked around the store and picked up random candies and walked to the counter. "Um, I want to apologize for the way I acted before. It was totally wrong of me and I should've asked questions before jumping to conclusions." Percy shrugged. "Eh, it's cool." He said. "Really?" He nodded. "Yea, we didn't fight so I see no reason to hold a grudge. Waste of energy in my opinion." Percy said with a dismissive wave.

"Oh, nice!" Ilulu said and held out a hand. "I'm Ilulu!" She introduced with a smile. Percy smiled at how cute she was. "Percy." He shook her hand. Ilulu finished ringing him up and he was on his way.

Time- 2:30pm
Forks, Washington

Percy and Bella walked around Port Angeles, looking for anything amusing they could do. Percy's hair was in a ponytail that Bella would occasionally mess with for whatever reason. He had just told her that he had assassins after him so he'd leave a duplicate with her just while he wasn't there, just in case someone saw that he spent a lot of time with her.

They rounded a corner, almost bumping into a dude that was taller and more muscular than Percy. He was tan with brown eyes and long hair.

"Oh, hey Bella." He said. Bella smiled. "Hey Jake." She greeted. Jake looked at Percy. "Who's this?" He asked. Percy could hear the shift in his tone to a more aggressive and awkward one. "This is Percy Jackson, my tutor. Percy, this is my childhood friend Jacob Black." Percy and Jacob shook hands with Jake squeezing a bit more than necessary, though it seemed unintentional. "Nice to meet you." Percy smiled. "Same." Jake muttered with a fake smile.

'Sheesh. This guy has it hard for her.' Percy thought in amusement. "So, how've you been?" Jake asked, seemingly completely ignoring Percy's existence now. "I've been good." Bella said awkwardly. "I'll be right back. You two catch up." Percy suddenly said and walked away. Bella and Jacob watched he leave, the former with confusion and the latter with relief.

Percy crossed the street and walked over to the old lady that had been eyeing him for a while now. She could be described as having a shriveled face that seemed to be twisted even further into an angry snarl. She wore a horrible, blue knit hat, a crumpled velvet dress and a leather jacket for some reason.

"Can I help you?" He asked. The woman bowed her head to him. "Lord Perseus, you stepmother, Lady Persephone requests your presence in the Underworld." The woman said. Percy cringed. "First of, next time you call me 'Lord', I'll put a bullet in your skull. Second, when exactly?" He asked. The woman raised her head. "As soon as possible." She answered, ignoring the threat. Percy nodded. "Ok. Give me ten minutes." He said and walked back to Bella just as Jake was leaving. "What was that?" She asked.

"Apparently my stepmother wants to talk to me." Percy replied. "Your stepmom? Persephone?" He nodded. "Well, why are you still here? Shouldn't you have gone right away?" Percy shook his head. "Let me get you home first." He said. "Oh, what a gentleman." Bella snarked. "Let's go string bean." Percy said shaking his head. "I'm not that thin." She grumbled. "Whatever you say."

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