Chapter 44

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Third POV
Date: 1/28/08
Time: 11:00am
Location: Forks,

Bella walked through the school halls with her bag slung over her shoulder. She was alone, not having run into any of her friends. Luckily. Bella's been stressed lately. After that night with Percy, with him showing her how good sex felt, she doesn't know how she lived with out it. Bella hadn't done anything like that before. Not even masturbation.

Unfortunately, even if she did masturbate now, it wasn't the same. It staved off her cravings, but didn't really do anything for her. The girl was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't notice one of her friends, Angela had been calling out to her until she was tapped on the shoulder. Bella gasped and spun around, seeing Angela with her hands up.

"Woah, calm down. It's just me." Bella sighed in relief as her shoulders relaxed. "You didn't hear me?" Angela asked. "No, I didn't. Sorry, I must've been thinking too hard." Bella replied. "About what?" Bella hesitated, but shook her head. "Nothing important." She said. Angela snorted. "Yea right. If you were thinking that hard, it has to be important." She said. Bella just shook her head again. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Angela wrapped her arm around Bella's. "Hey, you can tell me. Is it something you want me to keep from Jessica?" Bella chuckled.

Jessica was notorious for not being able to keep secrets. She was a gossip queen. That's just who she is so when she gets a juicy piece of gossip she can't keep her mouth shut. Even if she tried. Hell, she doesn't see a problem with telling people everything about another person's life. She feels like if you can tell a friend then what does it matter that the whole school knows. She can admit when she fucked up though. Angela though, she's different. Like Bella, she doesn't have many friends outside of the friend group and she doesn't put herself out there.

"This is something I want to keep from everyone." Bella said. "Well, if it's stressing you out you need to tell someone." Bella agreed with that. Maybe she could tell Angela. "Ok, fine. I'll tell you, but you have to keep it to yourself. No one else." Angela made a zipping motion over her lips. Bella nodded and started talking.

With Percy

"Oh, you've taught yourself to talk like one of those city boys." Evan chuckled. She walked over and hugged the boy. Percy breathed unevenly and slowly hugged her back. The longer her hugged her, the more emotional he became. The more emotional he became, the tighter he hugged her. Percy's eyes started leaking, but it wasn't water. No, Percy didn't get the luxury of of crying normally. He was forced to cry blood. The blood from his eyes landed on her red shawl, barely changing the color. Eva sighed and hugged Percy tighter. "I missed you too honey." She whispered. "I thought you hated me." He said.

"Oh, baby. I could never hate you. I raised you. Did you think you being a demon would change that?" She asked. Percy didn't answer, he just cried as Eva held her.


Percy sat next to Eva's bed, where she sat as well. Harley and Rosa sat on the floor next to his chair, Ernest was sitting in another chair and the other women, that Percy had found out was named Kat. After their little heart to heart, Eva started telling Percy about her theories and the investigations she'd done to prove those theories. Percy looked through the notes. Reading through them. He also read through Kat's notes. Oh yea, let me explain Kat.

Kat is a pixie like girl, honestly reminding Percy of Alice kind off. She has short brown hair that she normally has covered up by her hood. She has blue eyes and a pale complexion. She wears a blue hoodie with an orange body, which she keeps up over her head while on missions, hiding her short brown hair. She has three necklaces, the longest having a silver pendant, and wears denim short-shorts, along with thick, knee-high socks and brown boots. She has a stencil tube slung over her back, used in her tagging with spray paint that hangs off of her waist. She has several mystic-designed tattoos on her arms and forehead.

Kat is a Wiccan and studies demons, spirits and that shit. Percy doesn't necessarily study this type of stuff. He just knows it. Must be his demonic blood. She apparently had a rough childhood and ended up in a place between earth and hell called Limbo. Percy's never been there, but he knows if it. It's basically just earth, but twisted and contorted.

"What's this?" Percy asked pointing to a picture that Kat had stabled to a piece of paper. "I've never seen a demon like that." He said. Kat took a look at it and made an 'oh' sound. "That's in conjunction to our more recent research. It's not a demon at all, but a human changed by some sort of radiation like energy and they become this monster." Kat said and handed him a sheet of power. Percy took that paper and liked it over. "I know this energy." He said. "It's what made me a conduit in Empire City." He said.

"The same studies and readings." He said. Kat nodded. "So, Bertrand's making monsters and having demons inhabit the bodies. Or at least trying to." She said. "It seems that way." Ernest said. "Wait, why would it turn you into a conduit, but turn into a monster?" Harley asked. "Likely because of his non human biology." Percy shook his head. "No. It's a gene that anyone can be born with. It's just rare. Really rare." Percy said. "There has to be at least one other conduit in New Marais. Kat, any notes on areas he might've tested this energy or something?"

Kat went through her notes, but unfortunately shook her head.

"No. Nothing. I can look, but it's likely that he's hidden all traces. All I got are something called blast cores, but I still don't know what those are." She said. "Don't worry, I do. I'll be back, Ernest. Take Harley and go around town. Try to find any blast cores and call me if you find any. Rosa, you sneak around and do the same. You two, just keep doing whatever you do." Percy said. Everyone nodded and Percy left.

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