Chapter 37

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Third POV
Date: 1/22/08
Time- 2:30pm

Percy ducked under a swipe from Copperhead, who's name he leaned was Rosa Salazar and blocked an attack from his left coming from Shego. He still doesn't know her real name. Just that her last name is 'Go'. Yea, stupid. He said the same thing. Percy spun around as Rosa literally shot a snake at him and dashed at her, landing a punch on her toned stomach. He then spun around and side-kicked her at Shego, who ducked under the flying body and shot a beam of plasma at him. Percy leaned to the side, letting it fly past him and into a wall. They stopped when they heard someone scream in hopefully fear and not pain.

"We should really find a better place to train." He muttered. "Eh, I'm sure they're fine." Shego waved dismissively. "Honey?! Oh god! What happened?!" They froze when they heard a man scream. "Welp, see ya!" Percy said and disappeared. Shego and Rosa hurriedly left the rooftop as well.

Later, Percy was in his room watching Nezuko. She was cute when sleeping, but it was starting to worry him. Nezuko had been asleep for two days now. She hadn't even budged. While Mr. Meowgi has gotten up and walked around, ate and all that crap, Nezuko hasn't moved an inch. He frowned and tried to enter her mind. Much easier to move around, but her memories were still blocked.

"Oh, who are you?" Percy turned towards the voice he heard. It came from a polite Japanese woman the looked kind of like Nezuko. More so than the man did actually. He also noticed the old style dress she wore. "My names Percy. Percy Jackson." Percy said and politely bowed. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Kie Kamado." The lady said nicely and bowed to him. "You must be Nezuko's mother." He said. "I am." She nodded. "Um, I picked her up from a train. She was just sitting there." Percy said, obviously trying to get more story from the human. Kie looked down sadly.

"Yes. She was the last survivor of our family." She said. Percy pressed his lips together. He was never good with the emotional talk part of his job. "Would you like to talk about it?" He asked. "There's not much to say. We were taking the train one day, the demon possessing said train killed us and for some reason left Nezuko alive. Now she's a demon." Kie said. "Do you know how she became a demon?" Percy asked. Kie shook her head. "No. No idea."

She answered. Percy thought about how she might've become a demon. There was multiple ways, but it had to have been the work of the demon that she was changed. Nezuko seemed much too young to do any rituals.

"How old is Nezuko? How old was she when she was turned I mean." He said. "Twelve." Kie answered. Percy frowned. "Twelve? She looks like she's only five." Percy said. "Yes, we discovered a long time ago that she can shrink and grow at will. It's likely when she sensed you coming her instincts changed her into the most non threatening version of her that would still allow her to run away or defend herself."

"Kie, how long as Nezuko been on that train?" Percy asked. Kie thought about it. "A long time. Too long. We don't exactly know how long, but from they way you're dressed, it's far past the Taisho era." Percy's eyes widened. Kie noticed this. "May I asked what year is it?" She asked. "It's 2008." The demigod replied. Kie backpedalled. "Oh my." She said. "Yea. It's been a while." Percy nodded. "Ok, last question." Kie nodded at him. "What are you, exactly?" He asked. "I... am a manifestation of Nezuko's mother in her mind." Kie responded. "Nezuko's human will fights constantly against her demonic urges. Her memories are locked behind those urges." She said.

'Likely in some attempt to subdue her humanity, but she copes by seeing everyone around her as family instead of food.' Percy thought. 'So there's another demon out there. One that's trying to force some type of hold on her, but can't.' He thought about going back to investigate, but decided against it. He'd be called again if another demon popped up.

"Um, excuse me." Percy looked at Kie. "Do you know why she's sleeping for so long?" Percy shrugged. "Demons get energy from eating humans. It's likely that she's gone into some form of hibernation in order to restore her energy rather than eating flesh." Percy said. Kie nodded. "Thank you for looking out for my daughter." Percy nodded and smiled at her. "It's no problem." He said. "I'll be going now." Kie nodded and Percy left Nezuko's mind. Once he was back in his mind, he stood up and left the room.

"Hey Harls." He greeted the blonde on the couch. "Heya Percy." She said. Percy stopped and gave her an odd look. "Percy?" He asked. "Yep. Decided to call ya by your actual name today. Is that bad?" Percy shook his head at the pouting woman. "No. Not bad, just different. I didn't expect it." He said. "Welcomed, but different." Harley shrugged and went back to watching tv. Percy went to the kitchen and when he couldn't find anything good he decided to go out for something. "I'll be back. I'm going to get something to eat." He told Harley. "Ohh, can you get me three banana splits?" Percy gave her an odd face, but nodded. He left the apartment and was met with his neighbor, Catherine.

"Ohh, Percy! It's been so long and my goodness, you've grown so much." She gushed. Percy smiled while checking out the older woman. She's an older woman, at least in her forties with greying black hair, brown eyes and creamy skin. To most she'd be seen as overweight, but to Percy, she's just big boned. She's also extremely nice. Catherine is widely known to be that 'nice grandma' of the apartment complex. Hence, Percy complementing her pies.

Today she was dressed in a fancy burgundy, sweater dress. It was a sleeveless turtleneck that hugged her body snuggly. Due to her weight, this meant that he could see pretty much everything. Right down to the indent if her bellybutton. She also wore matching colored lipstick and thigh high stockings which... holy muffin tops. She had her hair done up in a messy bun and pearl accessories.

"Yea, it has. Last we actually stopped to talk I was, what? Eleven?" Percy asked with a smile. "Yea, wow. Two years are so short, but it feels so much longer." She said. "Yea, time is trippy like that." Percy said. "So, how've you been?" He asked. "Oh, you know. Getting by. It's been kind of lonely, but I've been fine despite it. What about you? How have you been these last few years?" Percy shrugged. "Well, I keep myself entertained." He said vaguely. "That's good. Oh, I'm sorry. I stopped you from what you were doing." Percy waved her apology off.

"It's not a problem. I was just going out to get some fast food and some ice cream." Percy said. "Oh, what a coincidence. I was off to the grocery store." She said and smiled. "I could take you wherever you need to go." Percy shook his head. "No, no. That's fine. I don't want to be a bother." He said, but Catherine wouldn't have any of it. "No, I insist. You wouldn't be a bother at all." She said. "Come on." Percy gave in with a smile and followed the woman to the elevator. "Oh, we're going to have fun today."

Percy smiled at the older woman's excitement. He agreed though. Today sounds like it might be fun.

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