Intermission: Meeting Trish

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(I'm not gonna do the entirety of Devil May Cry 1 right now, just a short description of him meeting Trish)

Third POV
Two Weeks After Percy's 10th Birthday

Percy was sitting in his apartment, quietly watching Criminal Minds. Sally was at work right now, leaving Percy to do what he pleased since he had already finished his classes for today. The boy just sat there, slightly glaring at the tv into someone knocked on the door. He looked over before getting up to answer the door. He was hoping it was his neighbor Catherine. She made the best pies he's ever tasted.

Percy went to the door and just as he unlocked it, it was kicked down harshly. Percy landed on his ass with an 'oof'. The door landed on top of him and whoever his attacker was stomped on it as hard as they could. Percy coughed from the air being forced out of his lungs. They then punched through the door, grabbed him by the throat and picked him up, completely destroying the door in the process.

Percy could now see who his assailant was. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair styled in a low ponytail. She wore sunglasses, a black corset, black leather pants and heeled boots. She also wore a choker and multiple wrist accessories. Percy growled as his senses finally kicks in and he recognized her as a demon.

"Wow, I expected more." She said smugly. Percy grabbed her arm and brought his foot up in a viscous kick to the chin. There was an audible crack and blood flew from the woman's mouth. Her grip on his neck loosened. He escaped her grasp and landed on his feet with her arm still in his grasp. With a grunt of effort, Percy flipped her over him. She landed on her back hard and Percy kicked her in the face, earning another snap as her nose broke. The woman threw her hand forward and yellow lightning smacked him in the chest like a punch from a MMA fighter.

He stumbled back, but it did nothing to him other than singe his shirt. The woman jumped up and started electrocuting him mercilessly. Or, she thought she was. In reality, Percy was absorbing the lighting with a sneer on his face. When she realized that it had no affect, the woman stopped and took a step back.

"You like lightning, huh?" He asked and cruel smirk made its way onto his face. Percy's eyes burned with deep hatred. "Here, let me show you real lightning." Red an black lightning covered Percy's arms and suddenly, the woman was thrown out of the window. The fire escape was broken as her body ripped through it she slammed into a wall. The woman landed on the ground in a heap, her body sore all over. Percy landed next to her and he kicked her in the side.

"Wait, wait!" She screamed. Percy was going to just ignore her, but then he saw her face. It was just like ...hers. Percy lost his cruel smirk and hateful eyes and they were replaced by confusion. "What is this?" He asked in a whisper. "Who are you?" He growled, suddenly growing angry at what he thought was some sick joke. "My name is Trish, and I'm not your enemy." She declared. "Not my enemy? You broke down my door and attacked me." He said.

"Please believe me when I say that was a test. I needed to make sure you were the one. Now I know that you are." She said. "The one?" Percy asked. "The son of Sparda." Percy scowled. "Why do you need to know that?" He asked. "Because there is a demon coming to the human world in an attempt to take it over and only you can stop him." Percy crossed his arms. "Why should I give a shit?" He asked. "Because it's the same demon that took your mother away. Mundus." This caught Percy's attention.

He was quiet for a while. Processing the information. After a while he glared at the woman as his rage started to set in. His eyes burned like hot coals and the temperature dropped dramatically. So much that Frost started to build up around them. The shadows seemed to be pulled towards him.


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