Intermission: Meeting Lady

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(Yet again, not doing all of DMC3 yet. Just him meeting Lady)

Third POV

A nine year Percy walked into the large tower that suddenly sprouted from the ground. A scowl in his face and a katana gripped in his left hand. Before him stood a giant dog with three heads and covered in ice. Percy glared at the beast before walking forward. As he got closer the ice cracked and exploded making him stop. The giant dog roared and stomped, making ice sprout from the ground while it shook. Percy was unbothered though.

"Leave this place human! You do not belong here!" It spoke. Percy's head tilted. "Really? For a mutt, your nose doesn't work." Percy responded with a smirk. "You insolent boy! How dare you insult me!" The dog roared. "How dare you insult me with your appearance. Begone beast. You will not waste my time." Percy said and started walking forward. He was forced to dodge a blast of ice however. "Hmm. Fine. Then die." Percy drew his sword and rushed forward.

He jumped aside to dodged a trail of ice spikes and jumped at the dog. He swung his sword down, but it bounced off of the ice armor. Percy frowned at this revelation. The dog demon lunged at him and Percy jumped as high as he could to avoid. He pumped his demonic energy into the blade and brought it down on one of the demon's necks. Like a hot knife through soft butter, Percy cut the head clean off.

The dog jumped back and roared in pain and rage. Percy looked at the demon with a cocky smile as the head disintegrated behind him.

"One down. Two to go. Let's go bitch." He snarled. The demon roared and shot a a ball of ice at Percy, but he just cut it in half, causing the wall behind him to freeze. "Is that all you've got? Disappointing." He said and teleported in close. He axe kicked the demon in the head, making its head slam into the ground. The other head snapped its teeth at him, but he was already gone. Getting into a QuickDraw stance, Percy's sword glowed with power.

"Die!" He exclaimed and for only a fraction of a second, Yamato left its sheath. There was a sound of sword slicing and another of its heads exploded into tiny chunks. The demon reeled back with another roar. Percy prepared to strike again. "Wait! You have proven your strength. I surrender." Percy stopped and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You may pass. You have my blessing." The demon exploded into light and flew at him. Percy caught the demon's soul and it transformed into triple headed nunchucks. He inspected the weapon briefly before putting it in his very deep pockets and walking towards the door.

Just then, the ice above the door was shattered and in flew a woman on a motorcycle. Percy looked at the woman emotionlessly, then turned and walked away. As he walked, the woman shot a fucking rocket at him. However, Percy simply used Yamato to cut it in fours before the woman could blink. He turned to glare at this strange lady before walking away again.


Later on, Percy was walking through the library to reach the top of the tower. He idly noticed the lady from earlier sitting against a bookcase. He attempted to juts walk past her, but she had other ideas and shot at him. Percy deflected the bullet with Yamato and glared at her. She glared back defiantly.

"Why are you here!? This has nothing to do with you!" She yelled angrily. "I'm here to stop a man from open the portal to the demon world. Simple as that." He said. "No! It has to be me! I have to do this!" She insisted. "Your desperate need for self-validation does not concern me." Percy said. Lady shot at him again, which he blocked and cut out of the air. "Do you know who that is up there? Do you?" She asked. "I don't. Nor do I care." Percy replied.

"That's my father up there. He killed my mother for this. This isn't just a matter of demons. It's a matter of family. What would you understand about family?!" Percy stopped and slowly turned to her. The temperature in the room suddenly dropped. Frost built up on the floor and books around them. The shadows seemed to start whispering to them. "Do you believe that just because I'm half demon, that I do not understand family?" He asked. The lady shivered at the amount of cold fury in his voice.

"Do you think I do not understand the love of a mother? The pain of having that love. That support ripped away. You disgusting bitch." Percy grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into a wall. "Do not assume you know me based purely off of my species." He growled. Percy dropped her and started walking away. He pulled open the door when he heard her call out to him. "Wait!" Percy turned to the woman that was hobbling towards him. "What now." He stated. "I'm sorry." She said hanging her head. "I saw your expression. Your eyes. I thought you were cold and emotionless, because you were a demon. But I see now. You're like, because you know my pain. You just don't give them satisfaction of seeing it." She said. Percy stayed quiet.

"Here. Take this." She said holding out her rocket launcher. "I don't need a gun." Percy said. "I know, but I named her after my mother. Kalina Ann. Please, let her at least get a hit in on him." Percy stared at the lady then at the large gun. Gently, he accepted it. "I'll make sure she gets him in the face a few times." He said and walked away. The lady collapsed next to the door and leaned against the wall.

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