Chapter 43

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Third POV
Time- 7:40am

Percy woke Harley up and had her get ready as well. The three sat in the living room with Seras. Sally was still asleep since Ilulu would be opening the store today. The three were waiting for Ernest to come get there. Luckily they didn't have to wait long. Percy stood from his place on the couch and answered the door.

"Ernest." He nodded in greeting. "Apoll... Percy." The man corrected himself halfway through at the glare Percy sent him. "I've decided that I'll go with you, but only to investigate these claims. Killing them is a different story." He said. "I figured. We've prepared to pay you should our evidence prove to be true." Percy nodded. "Good. Let's go." Percy said. Harley and Rosa followed him out of the apartment. They left a note on Sally's door saying to take care of Nezuko and Meowgi while they were gone.

Date: 1/28/08
Time- 10:45am

After a day and eight hours on a train, they finally arrived in New Marias. Percy was dressed in his vampire hunting clothes, to avoid being recognized by any of the older people. Ernest had told them that Percy was basically a forbidden in New Marais. He wasn't allowed back, you couldn't speak his name, nothing. You couldn't even name your child after him. The names Perseus and Apollyon or any other variations were banned.

Percy had suggested that he shape shift his appearance, but Ernest denied that until they were inside the city. Apparently, Bertrand had holy posts set up to make a barrier, that wouldn't allow any demons in or out. Percy was strong enough to hide his presence and not be able to not be detected, but any more magic than that would end badly. Percy told him the he had other ways of shapeshifting, but Ernest insisted that he didn't want to take the chance so Percy waited.

"Let's wait until we're in a less populated area." Ernest whispered. Percy nodded, keeping his head down. The group of four got off of the train and started walking, following Ernest... somewhere. "Where are we going?" Harley asked after a while. "To a safe house, where he can change his appearance and we can think of a name for him." He explained. "I already have a name." Percy said quietly. "You do? Let's here it." Ernest said. "Di' Angelo Jackson. I got those names after leaving so it should be fine." Percy said. Ernest nodded. "Its simple, but it'll work." He said. "Rosa. What are you seeing?" Percy asked. Rosa had been looking around this entire time, likely tracking something.

"There's a strange energy around here. Similar to chakra, but still different. I can't explain it." Percy nodded. "We'll investigate that at a later date." He said. She nodded. After at least thirty minutes of walking, they reached what seemed to be a rundown apartment building. Ernest lead them inside and up to a terrible looking room. It was barely furnished, the lights didn't work and the wallpaper were peeling off. "This is disgusting." Percy grouched. "Not the worst place I've been in." Rosa shrugged. "Same." Harley said. Percy rolled his eyes. "You guys stay here while I rent us a car." Ernest said and left.

"Wha if he's betraying us?" Rosa immediately asked. "We kill him and anyone that comes along with us." Percy answered just as quickly. Rosa nodded while Harley looked at him in confusion. "Mista J, you're at lot more aggressive than normal." She said. "Sorry. I just don't like being back here." He said. "Too many memories." Harley sat in his lap, making Rosa look away from them in slight annoyance.

"Well, nothing you can do about that. Just keep moving forward." She said. Percy nodded at her words. He then his prototype powers to shift into a shorter blonde boy with brown eyes. All he wore was a white shirt and black pants with some white boots.

"Oooh! Blonde twin!" She yelled excitedly. Percy chuckled at her. The three then just waited for Ernest to return. Harley humming different songs as they did. About an hour later, Ernest came back and his eyes widened at Percy's appearance. He opened his mouth, but Percy's glare shut whatever he was going to say up. "That's a great disguise. We should go." He said. Percy and company followed Ernest out of the building and to the small four seater.

Time- 12:34

Percy didn't think that when he'd return here, he'd have to go back to Paradise. No, he didn't see this place as paradise. That's literally what its called. Eva stays in a house that's called 'Paradise'. It's a giant mansion red bricked mansion with a black roof.

"Woah, you used to stay here?" Harley asked in amazement. "It's not the special Harls." Percy said. "Easy for you to say. You've stayed in a mansion!" She yelled. Percy sighed and shook his head, but he was smiling. The pulled up in front of the house and stepped out of the car. "Um..." Ernest muttered, making Percy stop with one foot still in the car. "I know I forced a lot of this on you. I must say, I was excited when I found you. I was barely think, but I do want to ask you now. Are you ready?" He asked Percy. The boy looked up at the house and sighed.

"No, but you're not ready for most things in life and it still comes for you. So I don't really have a choice." He said. Percy closed the door and started towards the mansion. As he walked through the door, his mind flashed to when he first walked through this door. He was much shorter and everything seemed much bigger. He oddly remembered things being much brighter. More red and gold than dark brown and burgundy. "Holy shit. This place is bigger than I thought." Harley voiced and gasped when it echoed.

"Come on, she's up in her room." Ernest said making his way up the stairs. As they walked, Percy was still getting hit with flashbacks. Memories of him stomping thought the halls. Having fits of rage and accidentally breaking things. Eva just smiling at him and telling him that it's ok. Running through the halls. Exploring the house at night when he refused to sleep. No, not couldn't. Refused to. He didn't want to sleep when he was here. Not the first few months.

Not after what happened with him and his mother that night. Percy's breath caught in his chest when he heard her voice. Her soft, velvety voice with that southern drawl that had calmed him down so many times. He could already see her, despite not actually seeing her. Ernest knocked on the door softly. A soft come in was heard from the other side. Ernest opened the door and stepped to the side immediately.

"I found him Eva." He said with a certain level of excitement in his voice. Percy stepped so lightly he basically glided into the room. Inside there was two women, but only one held his attention. "Apollo? Oh, you've grown so much honey." The blonde woman said. "Wait, I thought he had black hair. And gold eyes." The woman said. "He does. He's hiding himself for our sake. I know that look anywhere. He's still such a hurt and confused boy, who doesn't know what he wants in life." She said. Percy smiled tightly.

"Hello Eva. Lovely to be back."

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