Chapter 5

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Third POV

In Manhattan, New York there is a very popular mom and pop style candy store called Sweet on America. It'a tucked comfortably between a pizza place and a small clothing store. Inside is a wide variety of candy and a woman manning the register. The woman was blonde with blue eyes and fair skin. She has full pink lips, modest breasts and an hourglass figure. She wore the uniform of Sweet on American. A suit that is designed to look like the American flag. Her version has a frilly skirt instead of a pencil skirt or a pair of pants.

Although, the blonde woman has clearly seen better days. She has a lazy right eye, that has stitches replacing most of her eyebrow. More cuts and bruises covered her body and she has a pair of crutches leaning on the wall of candy behind her.

A woman in a black, low cut blouse that showed an unnecessary amount cleavage, tight pants that hugs her curves and black high heels. She wore a small cat necklace that was nestled in her bosom. The woman walked in to the candy store, the little bell above the door jingling.

"One second." The blonde said. She then turned around with a clear limp. "How can I help you?" She asked. The black haired woman gave the blonde a worried and confused look. "Harley? Hon, it's me." She said. "Sorry, but you've got the wrong person. My name is Frances, but if you'd like you can call me Frankie." The blonde said. The brunette stared at the clerk. Looking her up and down. Just as she was starting to loose faith, Frankie's hand twitched. Almost like she wanted to reach for something.

"You can't fool me. I know your middle name is Frances Harley. Your hand twitched too. Obviously, your still used to reaching for your bat when put into uncomfortable situations." The blonde sighed. "What do you want, Selina?" She asked. "You went missing. Everyone thought you died." Selina said. "Good. I'd prefer it if everyone thinks I'm dead." She said. "Batman found out you were alive and asked me to look for you." Harley seemed to start panicking, genuine fear filling her eyes.

"What? Why?! I haven't done anything in two years! I swear!" Selina's eyes widened in shock as Harley seemingly had a panic attack. "I've been a good girl. I really have!" Selina didn't really know what to do, but luckily someone else did. A woman came out from the back and rushed over to Harley. "Shhh. Shhh. It's ok Harley. It's ok." The woman said. "I've been good Mrs. J. I haven't hurt anyone? I haven't robbed anything. I'm a good girl." Harley cried.

"I know you have. You're a very good girl Harley." Selina just watched awkwardly while this woman stopped Harley from crying and sent her into the back. Harley went to walk away, but apparently forgot she needed crutches and almost fell. The woman caught her. "Hey, hey. Harley, your crutches. Remember." The blonde looked confused for a second before a look of recognition crossed her face.

"Right. Right." She turned and with the woman holding her, grabbed her crutches. Once she was situated with them, her boss let her go and she hobbled into the back of the store. "Um, I'm sorry. I didn't know she'd react that way." Selina said. "It's fine. Harley has a hard time dealing with anything before she got to Manhattan. I'm Sally Jackson." She held out a hand. "Selina Kyle." She shook her hand.

"So, um. What can I help you with?" Sally asked. "Oh, uh. I was sent by Batman to see what Harley knows about some guy called The Darkest Knight." Selina said. "The tip that she'd be here also said that she might know." Sally gave a questioning look. "The Darkest Knight?" She asked. "Yes. A vigilante, but he doesn't bother humans? Only strange monsters that crawl out of blood puddles." She said. "Well, that's what I heard." Selina shrugged.

"Oh, you mean my son Percy." Sally said. Selina raised an eyebrow. "What?" Sally chuckled. "My son. Well, adopted son. Percy Jackson. He's a monster hunter. I guess you can call him a vigilante, but he gets paid for killing demons so he's more of a hit man." Selina blinked. She..... didn't know what to do with this information. Well, she did. Tell Bruce and keep going on with her cat burglar life. However, Sally is so causal about it. "Ok then." She said, dragging out the 'ok'. "Um, is Harley ok?" Sally looked back. "Well, I mean. Mentally." Selina clarified.

"I wish I could say she was. When we found her she was much worse. Bruises, bullet wounds, cuts and unconscious. She had lost a lot of blood. I managed to fix her up, because I studied as a nurse, but there was lasting mental damage. She occasionally switched between Harleen Quinnzel and Harley Quinn. One minute she's calm, intelligent and logical and the next she's loud, brash and hyper." Sally explained. "She's also extremely prone to panic attacks and break downs. If they're bad enough she slips into a child's mind and starts talking in third person." Selina nodded. "So that's what almost happened a few seconds ago." Sally nodded.

"Poor Harles." Selina said with sympathy. "Yea, but she's getting better every day that goes by." Sally said with a smile. "That's good." Selina nodded. "So, is there anything else I can help you with or did you just want to know about Harley?" Selina looked around. "Ya know what, I'll buy some candy. What've you got?"

With Percy

It's rare that Percy gets some time off. He's normally traveling all over the place, killing monsters and humans if they get in his way. It's not often that he gets any down time so when Bella asked him if he wanted to spend the day with her, he asked why not.

The two were just walking around Forks, looking for things to do. Bella was being extremely indecisive and Percy honestly found it kind of funny. Every few minutes he was chuckling at the girl, which frustrated her to no end.

"Could you stop laughing at me." She asked. "Stop being so adorably funny and I will." Percy quipped back. Bella nudged him harshly. "Why do you do that?" She muttered. "Do what?" He asked. "Call me cute and adorable." She clarified. "Cause you are." Percy responded like he was stating the obvious. "No, I'm not." Bella said. Percy raised an eyebrow. "Ok then, what are you?" He asked. Bell stayed quiet.

"Are you intimidating? Assertive? Angry? Aggressive?" Percy asked. "A lot of words starting with A." Bella pointed out. "Don't change the subject." Percy scolded. "I don't know." She said. "Well, tell me when you figure it out. Until then, your cute, adorable and quite honestly, you look delicious." Percy purred in her ear, making her blush and squirm. "Don't bite me." She said, trying to make a joke. "Don't worry about that. I prefer licking." Bella damn near fainted. "Ohh look. An ice cream stand. Let's go!"

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