Chapter 23

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Forks, Michigan
Date: 12/18/07
Time: 11:23am
Third POV

Bella sat at her computer, trying to call Percy on Skype, but he wasn't answering. This was the second time she'd tried to Skype him. She was confused on why he wasn't answering. Once the call ended, she tried again right after. She was starting to get frustrated. Was he angry at her? That she didn't want a relationship? No, that couldn't be it. He said he understood. Yea, he said that he understood. That doesn't mean he actually did. Or maybe he actually did understand, but still didn't like it. After she had given herself to him too. Pain and hurt swelled inside of Bella's chest. Tears stung her eyes.

She knew that she was just being paranoid, but even if it was just her own mental scenario, it hurt. Just as she was going to hang up, the call was answered. Bella sprouted up and whipped her eye.

"Bella?" Wait, that's not Percy. The teen actually looked at the computer screen. Instead of showing Percy, in all his oddly feminine yet still handsome glory, it showed his mother. Sally was there, hair slightly wet and she was dressed in a white shirt with what looked like an American flag on her shoulders.

"Are you ok? Have you been crying?" She asked. "Yea. Yea, fine. It's nothing. Um, is Percy there?" She asked. "Oh, I'm sorry, but he's not. He went on a 'trip' so to speak." Sally revealed. "A job?" Bella asked. "Oh, he told you. Hmm, he must like you. Yes, he's on an extended job and I unfortunately don't know when he'll be back." Bella nodded. Her mind now at ease, Bella took a deep breath and calmed down. "Oh, ok. Thanks." She said. "No problem. Oh, I'm sure he still has his phone. You could call or text him." Sally suggested. Bella slapped her forehead.

Why hadn't she thought that?

"Thank you. I didn't even think of that." She said. "No problem Bella. I gotta get to work." Sally said and Bella nodded. They hung up and Bella picked up her phone. Dead. "Damnit. I forgot to charge it." She mumbled in annoyance. She started looking around for her charger and when she didn't find it, she realized that she left it at the Cullen's house when she was last over there. And they're out hunting and won't be back for another two days. Bella flopped on to her bed and groaned.

Manhattan, New York
Time- 12:02(am)
Date: 12/18/07

Harley hummed happily as she sat at the cash register. Business was slow today so she was on her phone, looking through different costumes and stuff she could wear for her missions with Percy and likely Seras. She was so engrossed in her phone that she almost missed the bell above the door ringing.

"Welcome to Sweet on America, how can I help you?" She droned without looking up. "Harley?" The blonde stiffened and looked up. In front if he stood two people from her past. Poison Ivy, a ginger with green skin. She's dressed in leotard made of real poison ivy leaves that supported her large breasts and showed her midriff, but framed her sides. She also has brown roots wrapped around her biceps and thighs. The second was another woman, this one as pale as a corpse with icy blue hair.

She wore a blue leotard that has a blue diamond with metal around it in the shape of a compass. She also has long winter gloves that has white fur on the edges and high heeled boots. Both women are extremely attractive and has perfect curves. Well, perfect in society's eyes anyway. Harley's heart started to speed up and her breathing almost became erratic, but she thought of Percy's smiling face. Not the unhinged, homicidal grin, but the calming one that made her feel warm inside.

"Ivy, Frost. What are you two doing here?" She asked after a while. "We came to buy some candy and check up on you." Poison Ivy said. "Selina said you were still real messed up, but you look fine to me." Killer Frost said. "Yea, puddin fixed me up good." Harley smiled fondly. "Oh, so the kitty was telling the truth. You do have a new 'Mista J'." Ivy noted with a smirk. "Mhm. He's way better than Joker ever was. Just as crazy and psychotic, but he actually loves and cares for me." She said dreamily. Ivy and Frost looked at each other, but shrugged it off.

"So, what ya need?" She immediately perked up, seemingly completely forgetting that she was nervous in the first place. The two looked behind her and at the candy she had to offer behind the counter. They asked for some candy from behind her then looked around the store and going to get a few other things. "So, how ya been? How's the lack of crime?" Frost asked. "Its great. I'm not stressed. I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder for cops or gangsters." Harley said happily. "Yea, but don't you miss the thrill?" Frost asked, causing Ivy to give her a warning glare.

A glare that was ignored.

"Yea, but I got something for that." Harley shrugged. "Really? What?" Ivy asked, cutting whatever Killer Frost was going to say off. "Mista J might be letting me go one of his jobs with him when I get back in shape." She answered. "Jobs? Does he do?" Ivy asked. Harley just smiled as she rung them up.

Gila Claw, Arizona
Date: 12/18/07
Time- 9:30(pm)

Percy and the gang were dropped off of the boar, who ran off again. They were standing outside what seemed to be a desert, but Percy was smarter and his senses were sharper than a normal person, demigod or even monsters. He smelled a shit ton of metal and could see mounds of trash. Like a junkyard.

"This is the junkyard of the gods. We're they throw away all of these defective and broken things." Zoe spoke. Huh, there ya go. Percy gently woke Thalia up and she noticed the he was holding her bridal style. She politely asked him to put her down while trying to shock him. Trying being the key word. He did so and just was they all made to walk into the junkyard, a black limousine pulled up in front of them, literally appearing outflow nowhere. Out of the driver seat stepped a large man with black sunglasses and dressed in a tux. He walked over in front of them and Percy could surprisingly feel his anger rising.

Instead of frowning, a smile slowly started to stretch its way on his face. He controlled his powers for the most part, but the temperature did drop. The man snapped his fingers and a run down taco place just magically opened up a few yards away from them.

"The blonde stays. The rest of you get lost." He grumbled angrily. "Of course, lord Ares." Zoe grumbled as well and turned. "Good luck maiden." She whispered to Mikey. Bianca and Thalia both turned to go to the taco place. Percy did so too, but after a glare/smile contest with the buff man. Percy took a seat next to Thalia, just because it was the closest to the door. "Thanks." Thalia muttered as soon as he sat down. "Hm? Oh, don't worry about it." He said dismissively. She nodded. It was a quiet for a bit.

"I'm still confused." He gave her a confused look. "Why?" He asked. "I've been pretty much an ass to you for a while." She said. True, but it was an overbearing thing. He never really felt the hostility from her. It was just glared and snarky remarks that weren't really important or Percy didn't pay any attention to. "Lia, can I call you that? Anyway, do you know how much of a miserable bitch I would be if I allowed other peoples feelings to affect my own?" Percy asked. "That would be such a waste of my time and energy. You can feel however you want about me, but unless you take it to a physical level, I'm not going to consider you of any importance." He said.

Thalia nodded at his words. Surprisingly, she found a good amount of logic to them. More than she thought she'd find from a boy that turns into a girl in the cold for no apparent reason.

"That actually makes a lot of sense." She said. Percy chuckled. "Thalia, I've lived more than a hundred lifetimes. All in fourteen years. I might not look or act it, but I'm very intelligent." He said. "You had one wise moment bud. Calm down." She chuckled. Percy snorted. "Hm." Feeling a vibration in his pocket, Percy took out his phone. 'Ring my Bell' was the caller ID. "Is that a phone?" Thalia asked. Percy looked at her. "No." He said and got up to answer it.

"Hey Bells, how's it ringing?" He asked. Bella was silent. "I broke into my best friend's house to get my charger and call you. It wasn't worth it." She said. Percy sulked. "Aww, you wound me Bella." Percy said with faux sadness. "Shut up dork." She laughed. Percy laughed with her. "Do you know when you'll be back?" She asked. "Nope. Hopefully soon." He said. "Yea...." Bella trailed off. "So, um. See you when you get back?" She asked awkwardly. Percy chuckled. "Yea. See ya." Percy responded and the two hung up. "Done talking to your girlfriend?"

Percy turned and smiled at Zoe, who while it glaring was still scowling.

"Yep." He said cheekily. "Good. Now let's go. We need to traverse the junkyard. One rule, do not touch anything. Can you do that?" She asked like she was talking to a child. Percy shrugged. "We'll see, now won't we?" He asked and walked pass her. Zoe huffed in annoyance and followed him.

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