Chapter 10

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Third POV

When Batman arrived on the rooftop where the bat symbol was located, he saw exactly who he expected. Jim Gordon, Gotham's police commissioner. The man looked stressed, disgusted and queasy. Batman landed on the roof with a thud from his heavy boots. Gordon jumped, something he never did which Batman noticed.

"Jim. What's wrong?" Batman asked. "It's Penguin. Dear god." He muttered back. "What about him. What has he done?" Batman questioned, ready to go off and hunt the bird man down. "It's no what he did. It's how we found him." Batman tilted his head. Jim did nothing, but he did hand the taller man a folder. Batman took it and opened it, reading through its contents. Slowly, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "Even Joker was nicer than this." He muttered. It took a minute, but he managed to school his features and look to Gordon.

"Any witnesses?" He asked. "No. The only two were Penguin's assistants Candy and Tracey. Those two seem to have complete amnesia." He said. "Evidence from the crime scene?" Jim shook his head. "You can go check yourself, but out men found nothing." Jim said giving Batman the coordinates. The hero took them, programmed them into his bat computer and he was off, grappling on to the bat wing.

In Manhattan
Paulina's Party
October 31st(Obviously)

A duplicate of Percy walked up to the large house dressed as pirate. He wore a wide-brimmed black hat decorated with a large plume, and a long, open black coat with no shirt underneath, with red, flower-patterned sleeves and collar. He wears blue jean pants held up by a black belt with a decorative buckle and tucked into overly large, black boots. As he walked up the pathway, he saw all of his friends waiting outside with pouts and scowls.

"Let me guess. Paulina wouldn't let any of you in until I got here." The copy stated more than asked. "Yea. Totally bogus." Tucker Foley, a dark skinned boy dressed also as a pirate said. "Yea, but now that you're here, we can go in and get out party on!" Trixie Carter, who's also dressed as a pirate said enthusiastically. Percy shook his head. "Alright, let's get this night over with." He said.

With the Real Percy
Forks, Michigan
Swan Residence

Percy reappeared in Bella's room, but made sure to be invisible just in case she was talking to Charlie. Luckily she wasn't. Although, he did get a shock. Bell was only wearing a tank top and a pair of panties. Not even a bra. She seemed to be paler than normally which was saying a lot. From what his senses told him, Bella was sick. Nothing too bad. Just a cold, but it seemed she wasn't used to being sick.

"Hey, Bella? You ok?" Percy asked as he appeared in the chain at the foot of her bed. While she did jump, she didn't react as much as she normally would. Likely due to the lack of energy. "Percy?" She asked. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Decided to visit you. See what was going on." He said. "We talked almost two days ago." Bella pointed out causing Percy to pout. "Well I just wanted to see you." He said. "Well I'm sick and I don't want to get you sick so go home." She said. Percy scoffed.

"I'm a living virus that evolves and adapts to any form of danger to my health. I can't get sick." Percy boasted. "And I could help you if you want." This made Bella look up at him. "How?" She asked. "I'm capable of healing you." He said. "Really? Like, actually healing me?" She asked. "Yup." Percy said popping the 'p'. "Is that another vampire power?" Percy shook his head. "Nope." He said. "Is it safe?" This time he nodded. "Completely." Bella nodded.

"Ok. Go for it." She said. "Lay down." Bella did so and laid flat on the bed. "Wait, do you have to... touch me?" She asked with hesitation. Percy raised and eyebrow and smiled. "No, but I can if you want me to." He replied. Bella shifted as her face turned red. "If you want." She muttered. "Does that mean that you don't want me to, but you won't say no or does it mean that you want me to, but you're not fully ready to admit it?" Percy asked as his hands glowed green. Bella just hid behind her hair, covering her face with it and looking away.

Percy chuckled.

"Ok, I'll take that as you choosing the second option." He said. He could hear Bella's heart beat faster as she grew anxious. Her breath quickening making her chest rise and drop noticeably. To be completely honest, Percy was tempted to touch her breasts. They were going up and down so smoothly. However, he restrained himself and settled his hands on her stomach. Bella's body glowed green.

It only took a few seconds, but to Bella it felt like hours. Percy's surprisingly warm hands laid on her stomach gave her an soothed and calming feeling. Maybe it was the weird healing power he was using, but she liked it. Her eyes trailed up his arm and to his face where she took in features that she never noticed before. Percy was normally looking down at his phone, her books or was getting distracted by something so she never really got to see his face in detail.

Were his eyes always that shade of yellow. The color reminded her of a cat, but not a house cat. One of the big predator cats you'd find in the safari or the jungle. Are his k-nine teeth naturally that sharp or is it a vampire thing? His hair didn't even look like hair. It looks like someone laid a black silk scarf on his head and cut it to look like hair. Absentmindedly, she brought her hand up and started playing with one of his locks. Percy glanced at her with a small smirk on his face. His hands stopped glowing and he took them off her body.

"I'm done Bella." He said snapping her back from her hair induced trance. She had gotten so distracted that she didn't even notice how much better she felt. Hell, she felt better than what she did before she got sick. Leaning up, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. She wasn't lightly headed or dizzy. She looked at Percy then frowned in thought. "Um, have you always been taller than me?" She asked. "Wow, not even a thank you?" He asked sarcastically, but there was no heat to his words.

"Sorry, thanks." She mumbled back. "Don't worry about it and yes, I have always been taller than you." He said patting her head like she was a child. "You just now noticed that?" Bella swatted his hand away and glared up at him. He wasn't too much taller than her. A few inches at most, but she still needed to look up slightly to look him in the eyes. Percy just laughed. "So, before you got sick, did you have any plans?" He asked. Bella glared a bit more, but shook her head.

"No. I normally don't even celebrate Halloween." Percy gasped in shock with a hand on his chest. "What?! You never celebrate Halloween!?" He asked. "I didn't say that I 'never did'. Just not normally. Not anymore at least." She shrugged. "Going out just doesn't sit well with me. Especially on a night where people are covered in costumes and crime rates are high." She explained. "Oh, come on Bella. You've got me with you. Nothings gonna happen." Percy insisted. Bella squirmed uncomfortably and the demigod sighed.

"Ok, ok. How about we just sit in your room and watch scary movies on your laptop. I'll even go get us some snacks." He offered. This was much more ideal to Bella and she nodded. "Ok, then. You get the stuff ready and I'll be back. Warning though, I'll only be here for a few hours. I promised my mom that I'll be home by nine o'clock." He said. "Ok." Bella said with a nod. "Oh one more thing. A favor, please?" Percy said. Kind of out of character for him, but Bella asked what it was. "Can you not change? I really like that look on you." He said with a smirk.

A blush immediately flared on her face. Percy laughed and disappeared from her room. She plopped down on her bed and held her head in her hands while trying to get over he embarrassment.

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