Call me (please)

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A.N.:// For your information, I have decided to take a break on the investigation. Or maybe it's discontinued. For some reason I got really demotivated on writing. 
Even though I was writing the whole fucking time! 
Look, there are stories I have W.I.Ps, like everyone else.... just that mine tend to have around 100 pages before I throw them to the wind. 
At least you get some art as compensation :) 

Why, brain, why?

Anyway, here have 20 000 words of me trying to relax on a story.... 
Can you feel my pain? No? Good for you. :D


POV: Arthur

"Remind me why I'm doing this again?"
Arthur sighed, as he followed Gwaine into the coffee shop.

At least Gwaine was being polite enough to pay for the night. He also opened the door for Arthur.

It was long past noon and Arthur always had long work days. He really needed to sleep, not get coffee in the middle of the night.

"Because you are my friend and you love me?", Gwaine shrugged with a wide guilty grin.

"You could have asked anyone else to go with you. Why me? You know how busy I am.
Is this bloke even worth it?"

"YES!", Gwaine insisted. "Wait until you see him. He is positively gorgeous! He's smart. He's hard working and kind and hot. He's fit. He tries to hide it, but I know he is!"

Arthur just grimaced at that.
"So, he's not worth my time."

Gwaine sighed with exhaustion.
"Sorry, Arthur. You're my only straight friend apart from Lancelot. And he's is on a business trip with his girlfriend!
And I need support from someone who won't end up stealing my date, alright?"

Arthur rolled his eyes.
"I still think you should call Percival."

Gwaine inhaled dramatically: "Don't you dare mention that name in my presence! He's the one who didn't call! It's been a month! I'm over it!"

"You're clearly not over it, if you're not able to talk about him.", Arthur countered in a half whisper to make sure none of the workers there overheard their conversation. His attempt was most likely in vain.

Gwaine lead him to a table.

Arthur pulled of his jacket and sat down. He discarded the clothes on the empty seat next to him. Gwaine took the one on the other side and immediately began to flip through the menu.
Arthur watched him wordlessly, already having decided that burgers weren't good for his diet and it didn't seem like this place offered any salads.
So... black coffee it was. Espresso perhaps, just to stay awake.

What kind of coffee shop was open this late anyway?

When Gwaine hadn't answered him in ten more minutes and no one had come to receive their order, nor had Gwaine's new boy toy arrived, Arthur began to tap on the table to distract himself.
Eventually he broke the silence.
"He's late."

Gwaine nodded. "I like that in a man. It makes them exciting." He kept grinning, yet he didn't look up from the menu.

"You mean annoying.", Arthur countered.

Gwaine rolled his eyes.
"Arthur, I swear, if you're going to be obnoxious all night, I will murder you."

"Gwaine, since when do you need emotional support on dates?", Arthur ignored him.

Which, mind you, was a good question. Gwaine never needed support. The guy once slept with the vice president of a chocolate factory.... inside the factory.
Arthur hadn't eaten any chocolate in years. Even though Gwaine assured him they had been inside an office.
But you never know. And if you trust anyone, don't trust Gwaine.

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