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August 2022

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August 2022

Dragging a five big luggage alone really a hard work rather than going to work with load of paperworks.

"You don't have to come back, right?" Mr. Bruschweiler said to his daughter. Lisa only can chuckle to his dad and hug him so tight.

"Of course i have to, dad. Although after all that happened i might considering to quit my job." Her dad taken aback by her words, he only make a joke because he only can see his daughter twice a year because of their job.

"No, no, no. I was just kidding, Lalisa. you do your job, sweetheart. Don't let anything happen in here make you overthinking to live your life in there." Lisa nodded. She really doesn't want to come back. She scared to face reality.

Accompany her dad in Switzerland was a pure roller coaster. Her dad had to involve in someone's crime make her worried so much and had to fly from New York to make sure he's okay and didn't go to jail.

Lisa hug her dad so tight, she was about to cry and so is her dad. "I love you so much, Pranpriya." Lisa smile heard that name, it's been so long she wasn't hearing it again and that name coming from his dad make her feel like a child again when her dad call her that name after playing on a playground when she's five.

"I love you so much, daddy. See you soon!"

'New York here i come.' She mumble to herself while boarding to her plane. It's eight hour flight but for Lisa it feels like only two hours because she kept wondering what would it be when she come back to her work.

When she's arrived in JFK airport, she just stand in arrival gate with her five luggage from five months staying and contemplate where she wants to go. She has an apartment but she doesn't want to go there yet. Instead, she take a cab in front of her abruptly make the driver confused.

"Equinox hotel eleventh avenue, please." The driver nodded when he see Lisa head on his window and help her with her luggage.

When she arrived, the bellboy hurrily approach her. "Good evening Ms.Manoban, how are you?" Lisa smile at him.

"Hi, Derek. I'm pretty tired from Switzerland, i need a staycation here. Is Ten here?" Derek the bellboy shake his head.

"Unfortunately, he still in Sydney, Miss. Mr. Leechaiyapornkul won't be here until the end of august my manager said." She just nodded. "Can you take my key to settle all my belongings? i think i will go straight to the lounge first, meet me at the lounge when you're done." Derek nodded and Lisa gave him a tip early while go straight to the lobby.

Meanwhile, beside the entrance lobby, Jungkook busy with his phone call with his cousin, Jin. "We're getting married!" his words make Jungkook froze, he couldn't believe what he just heard. He's happy but confused, he has to congratulate for his cousin first.

"Wow, finally huh? after ten years you have a gut to do it now?" Jin laugh on the other line.

"Hey it's not easy! i have to wait for her career get balance first so we can know how our future will be like." Jungkook still wondering on his mind to other things. 'Did she told Jin already about her past mistake?' Jungkook remember what he saw five years ago and it still fresh in his mind until now.

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