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Lisa sighed when she look at her desk in her office

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Lisa sighed when she look at her desk in her office. This is a million times Jungkook make her tired from his act. She pick up her phone and dial his number.


"Baby, i think our baby will get diabetes." She straight to the point make Jungkook shock and panic.

"What? Why? Are you in the doctor? Did she said that?! Oh my god! What are we going to do?!" She can hear his voice getting higher.

"Maybe stop sending me a chocolates basket?" Finally Jungkook sigh in relief, she meant his gift this morning arrived at her office. "Baby, you got to stop making me panic, you're pregnant, don't joke when it comes to pregnancy!" He whined.

"THEN STOP MAKING ME FAT!" Lisa scream make everyone on her floor turn to her office space. Jungkook has to distancing his ear from his phone. She's really mad this time.

Since she got cleared up by the hospital and take recovery for two weeks, Jungkook has been pampering Lisa with bunch of chores and gift. Jungkook book a whole nine months home massage for her, he always drive her and pick her up from the office, and he always send her a gift basket full of chocolates or candies.

At first, Lisa really grateful to have a husband like him. But, it happens until now when she's reaching her last trimester. She got irritated because apparently Lisa never been into craving food so much, but one thing make her different is her anger.

She's been angry and crying for a whole second trimester, sometimes she act stupid too. One time Lisa brought a tv remote instead of her phone. Jungkook panic why she wasn't calling him when she's done working. He track her phone that is in their home but got more freak out when she's not there. He check her office but she's not there. Turns out she sleep in the break room. One of employee caught her.

Another stupid thing was she put a bolognese sauce on popsicles mold and put it into the freezer and she serve a dinner with spaghetti with some kind of watermelon mixture turn into sauce. Jungkook got confused why his dinner like this. He search where's the bolognese sauce and found it on the freezer already turn into ice.

Lisa's pregnancy brain is scary when she's at home. Good thing it doesn't affect her work because it turns out Yoongi always keep an eye for her. Because her emotion got too soft on her pregnancy, she always got home crying and said Yoongi was mean to her when in fact Yoongi just help her to fix her job since her pregnancy brain make her super dumb. Luckily, it only happen on her second trimester.

All of those things makes Jungkook get even more worry for her and get more clingy to her. Yes. Jungkook is the one who gets clingy to Lisa.

There are thousand times when Lisa kick out Jungkook from their apartment because of so many thing. One example: A sleep training.

Flashback to first week of Lisa's last trimester.

Lisa got up from a loud alarm in their bedroom. Since when they use alarm? And she feels like she only slept for three hours. She got up and check the time on her phone. Dammit! It's 2am! But something caught her eyes. Jungkook get up and he get out from the bedroom.

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