Chapter 7

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"So what's up?" Lisa asked while trying to sit comfortably at the booth

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"So what's up?" Lisa asked while trying to sit comfortably at the booth. Lisa and Mingyu currently at The Campbell on friday night, they sit at a small booth across the bar area. They are still in their work attire.

"I want to ask you something but you have to be honest, because everyone around me just treated me like I'm an innocent guy who doesn't deserve the truth with an excuse to not hurt me but eventually they hurt me anyway." Mingyu whined. He is being childish around people close to him and he did it again around Lisa, still acting like they're close. Lisa startled Mingyu back to himself again but glad he acted cool around her.

"What you're talking about?",

"My dad, Lisa",

"Oh." Lisa suddenly thought about how she should explain to Mingyu in a short and gentle way. So he starts explaining to him about his dad's company, her dad, and the whole court thing. "So you didn't know about all of it?" Lisa asked. "No, I only read the news, grandma acts like a fool because she's not in touch with my dad but still I know something was wrong and I saw your dad on the news, so I started connecting the dots including our relationship."

"But I still have several questions, have you already moved on?" Mingyu asked Lisa to stare at him quietly, not having an answer in her head.

"Um, we have to, right? So I guess I am because I'm cool hanging out with you while you already have a girlfriend." Lisa explained.

It's now Mingyu who thinks hard quietly. "What if before you went to Switzerland I asked you to be my girlfriend? Would you say yes?",

"I think yeah. But it would be wrong and I still ended things anyway." ,

"But what if i don't care about my dad, what about i convinced your dad that my own dad has nothing to do with us.",

"Mingyu, stop! Why you're doing this?",

"Because I want to fight for us, Lisa," That confession made Lisa startled. How dare he ask that when he already has a girlfriend.

"Huh? Are you crazy? you have a girlfriend, Mingyu!" ,

"It's a setup from grandma." His head feels heavy. Lisa widened her eyes, what did this old lady do this time? She knows Mrs. Hopkins was kind but sometimes she wants to control what she can control. After her son left, she decided to be more strict with her grandson because she wanted to inherit her company from Mingyu, but she's really out of her mind to prepare Mingyu to be CEO by controlling every core of his life.

"Why didn't you said something?",

"I have no one to fight for, you broke up with me so I have no excuse to decline it. She just asked something like 'So what? Are you gonna wait for her to come back? She left you to achieve her dream!'. I was really hurt at that time and believed what she said but after gathering all the information, you're still a good person Lisa and I want to fight for it even more again." Mingyu pleaded.

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