Chapter 13

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Thank you for 1k readers! i know it's boring book but i am glad you take your time to read! love you!

Thank you for 1k readers! i know it's boring book but i am glad you take your time to read! love you!

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"LISAAAA!" Chaeyoung when she hears the door open, she must assume it's Lisa. Chaeyoung jumps from the couch to an entrance as Lisa just stands there and puts off her shoes.

"What?! Why do you always have to be this loud Chae." Lisa asks to feel annoyed by Chaeyoung's voice.

"You're on the news!!!" Chaeyoung put her phone screen to Lisa's face really close. Lisa's eyes widened and started reading it. After a while she saw the comment below the news.

"I bet that's just another sl*t who wants to climb a ladder."

"Wow kiss in public? What an act! Of course it's to the company's advantage."

"Lalisa Manoban? I thought she's smart and motivated but she's just a prude."

"What a social climber she is, tsk."

"Jungkook can do better than this, I am disappointed."

"How dare she kiss him in public? too much PDA for someone called 'PR queen'"

"Of course it's just an act, she's a PR for Pete's sake, it's just one of their acts to put his show high and her job well."

Lisa sighed seeing all of these comments. Chaeyoung brings hot chamomile tea to make her relax a bit. "You okay? don't mind all those comments, okay! They are girls who are just jealous that you are not prettier than you to pick on them!Jungkook is the one who's lucky here!"

"That's fine, I know this will come sooner or later. Although I'm curious why the reporters never spotted us before because we're out often." Lisa is afraid the paparazzi are just about to collect a lot of evidence and drop the bomb in the end.

"I don't know, maybe they just see you as a friend of his, you never showed PDA except today and what's with the kiss?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah I just starstruck the entire time because he's cute and handsome, somehow I got him angry because all I was talking about is work and with other CEOs—" Lisa was about to explain but Chaeyoung cut her off.

"LISA? THIS AGAIN? How many times did I tell you to lose your tenses at work? This is why I never want to attend any party from your company! you always like this, make some deals, approach the investors, advertise the product you've been working on, and many more! you always neglected me back then, i'm on Jungkook's side this time." Chaeyoung crosses her arms with a pout to make Lisa chuckle while she's drinking her tea.

"Good thing you guys made up with a kiss." Chaeyoung added.

"Yeah, and a 300 thousand dollar painting." Lisa nonchalantly said while she's still slurping her tea.

"WHAT?! that painting he was bidding is 300 thousand dollars? what painting is this?" Chaeyoung asked while she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Some local artist painted a portrait of Amy March from Little Women." Lisa explains.

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