Chapter 34

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Cufflinks, where's his cufflinks! Jungkook panicked and walked around the waiting room in the church to find his cufflinks

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Cufflinks, where's his cufflinks! Jungkook panicked and walked around the waiting room in the church to find his cufflinks. Although, there's no need to panic just for cufflinks. He kicked out Jimin from the room since all he did was teasing him about today's ceremony. He just does it because Lisa wants to have a proper wedding.

Who knows it'll be their first and last. What? Now Jungkook shakes his head to erase that thought.

Jimin once again barged into his room. "We have fifteen minutes. Let's go." He reminded him. He just nodded and fixed his tie.

Jimin suddenly held tight both Jungkook's shoulders. "Okay, bro. If you want to be a runaway groom, I'm here with you all the way. You don't have to do this if deep down you have second guesses, you never love her and never will be! there's so many hottest models out there.". Jimin cups both his cheeks to make Jungkook focus on him. He finally grinned because of his skit, he can't stand not to laugh.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and shoved his hands away. "Not funny. I just nervous if i get stuttering and make it awkward."

Jimin arches his eyebrows, "Oh so you're not getting a second guess for marrying Lisa? you already see this coming?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. This guy is non stop.

"Don't twist my words, you know what I meant." Jungkook said. Jimin just chuckled and opened the door for Jungkook to lead the way.

He walks to the front, and the priest is talking with Taehyung. Jennie is sitting holding Archie, their son. Jennie can't be a bridesmaid because apparently since it's a private wedding day and last minute, she can ask anyone to take care of him in the church, and her mom is leaving New York recently. Moreover, Jennie hates nanny, so yes, she should just be a guest with her baby on her lap.

Jungkook approaches the priest and Taehyung. He stands face to the aisle. Taehyung and Jimin could only hold their laughter because his face showed too much nervousness, his ears were red, and he kept brushing his suit for nothing.

"I think you're about to peed yourself, man." Taehyung jokes around. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung just stand in front of the priest who waits for the ceremony to start. Jimin will stand beside Jungkook and Taehyung has to sit down but they have another minute before it starts.

Jimin notices Jungkook's hands are trembling. "Wow dude, you're clearly nervous. You couldn't wait for the wedding night." Jimin added and made him and Taehyung laugh even more but they had to whisper because it's echoing the whole church.

"Oh come on! be serious. Marrying a girl you love so much is thrilling in a good way. But marrying a girl for a damn visa it's scary." Jungkook replied.

"Why didn't you say 'girl you don't love' for a bad one? you clearly didn't deny there's love." Jimin said. These two aliens can't stop playing around with him. Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

'What would she be wearing? A wedding dress? Of course not! This is a last minute wedding, and fake! or just a white dress? Maybe she's not even putting in so much effort to wear a white dress, maybe she just wears a formal dress' Jungkook battles himself with his own mind. He now feels so stupid to wear this Armani suit, he personally bought it for today, he even picked an expensive cufflinks just for today. He wants to hit his head because earlier he was so freaked out he couldn't find it. Now he realizes this is fake and he puts too much effort into his looks, it's like he is a real groom.

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