Chapter 38

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"So, Mr

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"So, Mr. Jeon. How are you today?" Amanda, the immigration staff of immigration who interviewed Lisa and Jungkook, asked.

"Good." , "Great! Let's start." She put up her pen, and got ready to write his question.

"I have gathered some information according to Mrs. Jeon's and your background. I got an interesting article about Ms. Lisa. Did you know her dad Mr. Bruschweiler was a fraud from a company he was investing to support his restaurant around europe? It's called Hopkins Food Inc." She said,

"Yes I know." , "so you know about the shooting incident?" "Yes." Jungkook answered her shortly.

"Did you know the accident in Switzerland involved the trials, and the victim was connecting with Ms. Lisa romantically?" She raises her eyebrows and tries to challenge him.

"Yes." , "How could you know?" She asked again. Jungkook seems nervous about how to answer this because if he said it recently, she would get suspicious why Lisa kept it hidden.

"Uhm, i know before we were dating, i tried to get close to her so i searched about what she liked or disliked, but there's one thing that got my attention that's when i found an article about her dad. I never tell her or she tells me about this but I respect her because I think it's like her dark past." Jungkook explained.

Amanda seems satisfied with his answer, so she continues. "So, you know that the CEO of Hopkins Food Inc. is Ms. Lisa's ex boyfriend's dad, right? There's a scandal to begin with around Europe that she used her relationship to catch his dad, and report him to the police in the first place." She said,

'What? Hopkins Food Inc. still connected with Hopkins, Lisa's boss?'

Jungkook just gets quiet, he is scared to answer because all of this is just new info for him.

"I know she had a relationship with her co-worker but I never knew what the connection was like." He said.

"Why not knowing it?" Jungkook is confused because it's just not relevant. "Because she's with me? I don't need to know her past lovers, it only gets me overthink and i don't need it. I admit i tend to get jealous easily." He confess, he feel shy but he has to find concrete reason to assure her.

"How sweet you are, I'm sure she is close with your family right? Consider her contribution to your cousin's business, also she and your grandpa seemed to have a good bond when she was visiting him six months ago by Jeon-Kim private jet." Jungkook froze for a moment. 'Visited grandpa? When? With our private jet?'

"Did you mean me? Because I'm the one who is visiting him to come for a blessing." Jungkok said.

Amanda finally found a hole, "Mr. Jeon, to approve her staying in the US we need to see her traveling record, and we detected last time she visited another country to South Korea with a private jet owned by Jeon-Kim Tech Industries." Amanda explained.

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