Chapter 39

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Lisa feels exhausted from all the meetings she had today, she remembers her stuff is in her new place right now which is now called their apartment. She will say to Jungkook she will get it done tomorrow, and say sorry to make a mess in there.

When she opened the door, she heard nothing. Lisa notices her boxes are all gone. 'What's happening in here? Where's all my stuff?'. But, she smells something. When Lisa walks into their place, she sees on a dining table there's a dinner meal untouched with candles, and all romantic decoration, red roses.

"Jungkook? Baby?" She called out but no one replied. She went to her bedroom, and was surprised.

Jungkook sits on her bed, looking down face like he's going through something. And she can see her stuff neatly organized on her bookshelves.

"Baby, you did all of this? Why? I can arrange this, you don't have to--" When she walks to him, she notices below him there's a document. She stops and realizes it's a case file. She never keeps any case files because she isn't a lawyer, so she must know what he read in her room. It's his parents' death case.

"Jungkook, how--uhm, baby?" Jungkook released his hands from his face. He showed a depressed face, and. . . disappointed.

"What's this?" Jungkook stands up and takes the case to the floor.

"I can explain--", "So this is the reason why, huh? This is the reason why you dumped me. You keep this and think if we're broken up I never knew about this." Lisa, now afraid of him, raises the case to her face while walking towards her, making her walk backwards until she bumps into her bookshelves.

"Jung--", "You think i don't deserve to know? Who do you think you are, Lisa?" His eyes are full of fire, his face reddened. She can't tell anymore if he feels hurt, disappointed, or angry. But, his face turned into a devil right now, and she was scared. She looks up to him because now he stands inches in front of her while raising the case beside her.

"You think our break up can solve all of this? What did you know about lost? Are you tired of falling apart from love? I failed with Mingyu, Taehyun, and now me? It's that what you lost? How about me? Do you think you understand losing someone who died, so you think it's better to keep it a secret from me because you've been through that?" Jungkook cornered Lisa until tears streamed down her face. She was scared.

"FUCK!" He punched the bookshelves beside her head and made her flinch in fear. He suddenly storms out of her bedroom. When he left, she fell to her knees crying. She can hear Jungkook open the entrance door and go outside. Lisa still disbelieves how this can be happening. One time they are happy to build something together again and in a snap everything falls down by one thing. She feels suffocated, her heart aches, and she can't breathe because her mind is full of Jungkook's mad face towards her. His fiery eyes prove he is completely betrayed by her.

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