Chapter 9

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He was completely shocked, he already started to not hope too much for his birthday yet Lisa gave him something he dreamed of

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He was completely shocked, he already started to not hope too much for his birthday yet Lisa gave him something he dreamed of. His eyes got soft looking at her, he's thinking he could just grab her and kiss her right here right now, she is so cute with her guilty face. So Jungkook approached Lisa more closely to the cake, he made a wish with his eyes closed and blew the candle.

He roamed his eyes around her apartment. There's black and white balloons on the ceiling with its wavy string hanging and some balloons on the floor with the same color. He sees her coffee table set up for dinner with black and white theme and there's an extra large 27th balloon in black stuck to the wall above the couch with a banner that says 'Happy Birthday Jungkook!' It's all black and white theme.

"Lisa." Jungkook called her and Lisa hummed.

"Thank you so much, this is the best birthday surprise ever." He suddenly takes the cake and puts it on the kitchen island beside them and hugs Lisa so tight until her feet are not on the ground anymore. Lisa was shocked and she laughed seeing Jungkook this happy.

"Jungkook stop! put me down!." Lisa ordered him while still giggling.

"So, let's go to the living room, I already set up the dishes for you and we're gonna eat while watching some movie!" Lisa dragged him to the living room. What he didn't expect is that all Thai cuisines were on the table.

"Okay let's sit here and ta-da! These are all Thai foods! I decided to surprise you with dinner with Thai cuisine because I didn't know your favorite food but I know mine and it's from Thailand, my home country. You said you always want to know and try everything I like so I present you what food I like for your birthday dinner!" Lisa happily said.

Jungkook was still amazed she did all of this, he was excited too because Lisa opened up to him even if it was just a little thing like her favorite food, he felt content. He turned his head to the wall above the couch. He was so happy Lisa put so much effort into doing all this. He doesn't care if she is late , days later, even months, as long as she is doing this he's happy.

They are eating their dinner while watching a movie. For the entire time, Jungkook couldn't help but stare at Lisa. He was still deeply touched on how Lisa made all of this. It's not some fancy dinner, big surprise with a party, or expensive gift instead it is a cozy birthday night.

Lisa finally spoke up but Jungkook didn't budge, he was still looking at her with sparkling eyes. "You know, i was just thinking it'll be rude to stare but right now i found it endearing." When she said that, Jungkook shook his head to come to his senses and turned his head to the TV. Lisa laughed and put her fingers on his chin to make him look at her again.

"You're always saying cute, but this time you are the cutest, Jungkook." Jungkook widened his eyes, he felt like his heart was about to drop to his stomach because right now his stomach was about to explode. But suddenly he smiled at her and Lisa raised her eyebrows.

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