Chapter 6

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They finally arrived at the bar

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They finally arrived at the bar. It's too crowded for them so there's no seat in the booth or anywhere, so the hostess offered them to sit in the bar and they agreed. Chaeyoung purposely sits between Jimin and Jungkook so Lisa has to sit beside Jungkook only, Chaeyoung really tries to fix them up. Since Jimin and Chaeyoung only talk to themself and Chaeyoung turns her back from Jungkook on purpose so Jungkook has to talk to Lisa only, he noticed Chaeyoung did it and he was glad.

"So, you're really working at Omnicom, I completely forgot what company you talked about yesterday" Jungkook started the conversation.

"Oh yes, I didn't know that Chaeyoung would recommend you guys to my company, I rarely talked to her when I was abroad." Lisa talked awkwardly. She was just so nervous because she was scared Jungkook would bring up this morning scene.

"Oh, so did you successfully quit your job?"

"Ah no, as I already assumed they'd decline my request, but I kinda see it coming so if I stay a little bit longer I don't mind, I'll send my letter again later."

"Wow, you really want it so bad, right?", "Well kinda, it's been on my mind for months,

"I don't know, i mean i'm going to miss what i do but i really want to have my own business since i was sixteen. It's been haunting me if I get stressed out with my work. I keep wondering if it would be fun to have my own florist and arrange flowers, it's like healing while working because I get to see so many flowers with so much color." Lisa started to wander.

Jungkook smiles seeing Lisa like this, the way she talks is kinda the same as that night, so much honesty and gentleness. "Why you're not start here? I mean I think you surely have a market here too."

"Yes of course but I don't know, I kinda don't like New York, it's crowded, especially on Christmas and New Year. On that holiday I just ran away to Montauk to walk around the beach."

"So you kinda not a city girl?",

"Hmm, of course. How about you? How long will you stay here?"

"I'm here until next summer, my boss ordered us to stay here for a while when our kimchi product is released, he wants us to supervise the New York branch and report it to him." Jungkook explained.

There's an awkward silence between them but finally Lisa thinks it's about time to bring up the topic about this morning and just apologize. "Hey, about this morning, i freaked out and just stormed out like that, it's not cool for me to do it to you, i'm truly sorry, it's not right."

"It's okay but can I ask you something?" Jungkook thanked Lisa for talking about it first, he was scared it would make Lisa uncomfortable but since she's bringing this up first, he continued to be honest about his feelings.

"Did I do something wrong yesterday? because if i did, i am sorry too but you have to tell me what did i do wrong because apparently we're gonna be meet frequently i guess consider Jimin and Chaeyoung are a thing and i kinda feel like you're avoiding me, i mean i think it's time i bring this up cause' we're not completely stranger, we met several times and close enough to be honest since yesterday we were honest with each other." Jungkook started to get soft, pleading for Lisa's explanation.

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