Spin Off - Chapter 1: #Jirose, Will Romance Up in the Air?

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3 months before Lisa & Jungkook's encounter, 6 months after Lisa left New York.

Chaeyoung couldn't understand why making a melody could be this hard. She hates her mom a little for throwing her away to New York just because she's done listening to her singing so loud with her electric guitar on a high volume.

She's in the New York Public Library to find new ambience so she can find inspiration but she only got her three pencils broken because she really hit her nerve for not every single note stuck on her mind to make the melody. Her long blonde hair is messy because she always messes it with her fingers if she starts getting angry all over again. Her nail on her left hand got broken on the tip for getting too many bites.

Somehow her fourth pencil she grip broke in two pieces with the edge of the pencil jumping out from her hand and landing behind her. She widened her eyes, did her half of the pencil hit anyone? Oh god, what should she do? What excuse should she make? But suddenly she sees her hand beside her and puts half of her pencil beside her hand. She can recognize the vein through the person's hand, definitely a guy!

"Is this yours?" The guy asked her. She finally put her head up and looked at the guy. He's wearing a monochrome zigzag sweater, black trousers, and thin curtain blonde hair. His thick plum lips make Chaeyoung only focus on it, it kinda kinda tastes delicious, wait what? Chaeyoung shakes her head and goes back to reality again.

"Ah yes i'm so sorry, it's an accident, it's hitting you, wasn't it? I'm so sorry." She bowed her head many times, making the guy chuckle.

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt anyway. You look stressed, be careful it's not good for your health." He smiled at her and made Chaeyoung flustered.

"Ah, thank you."

After another two hours she gave up and started packing again and got out of the library. She saw Starbucks beside the building so she decided to buy some food there because she's not eat lunch.

"Hello, what's your order?" The cashier asked.

"Can i have sausage & bread for take away? and can you heat it again in the microwave?",

"Sure, but there's two orders wait to be heated too, it's gonna take 7 minutes until yours done, is it okay?",

"Yeah sure, it's fine. Ah and my name is Rosie." ,

"Okay great, it will be 3.45 dollars."

After 7 minutes, the barista called her and she got up from her seat to take it but somehow the barista gave her sausage & cheddar with a pumpkin latte. She was confused and asked the barista.

"Um, i'm sorry but i didn't order this.",

"Ah no, there's a guy buying it for you, he's there! the one who walked out from here." The barista pointed his finger outside, her eyes widened. It's the guy from the library but he already walks fast and pretends not to see inside the Starbucks so Chaeyoung takes it anyway.

While she's drinking her coffee, she noticed there's a phone number and a note in there

Break a leg! I hope your pencil is fine. Call me +XX XXX XXX - Park Jimin.

She jumped a little and felt excited, Oh god! a handsome guy gave this to her with his phone number! Should she text him? She contemplates and thinks hard. It took her all day till night came. Her mind is already not with her homework but with his phone number on her cup. She played with the cup for some time and finally took her phone and started to text him.


Hello, is this Park Jimin?

Thanks for the pumpkin latte, it made my day - The Broken Pencil Girl.

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