Chapter 30

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SHORT CHAPTER ALERT!———————————————

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Jungkook walked to his boss's office with a nervous heart. He called Jungkook immediately after his big meeting with the board. How can he know? Jungkook passed by his boss' conference room and spotted the board meeting. Somehow his heart felt heavy because he remembered about his supposed promotion three months ago. He just wanted to know why the board didn't choose him.

When he got back to his office, he got a note to meet his boss along with Jimin. He can't find Jimin anywhere when he's got the memo, so he goes straight to his boss' office quickly.

The secretary let him go immediately, and when he enters, he is shocked because Jimin is there. His boss, Mr. Patricio noticed his presence. "Mr. Jeon, please join us. Have a seat." He welcomed him.

Jimin is calmer than Jungkook, he just thinks maybe he knows something about this. Jimin smiles at him when Jungkook takes a seat beside him.

"So, i think i will get straight to it." Their boss said.

"I know I've disappointed you these past couple months, and I apologize for making you feel it's not worth it. After a big sales in your product recently in New York, we couldn't be more grateful to have you as our top employees." Mr. Patricio said. They both still do not know where this conversation will go.

"After a big reconstruction of our organization in New York, we found out we can't find any people who are capable of being a head of department, so after a big meeting to decide what's best for our company, I chose both of you to be head of procurement, and Research & Development. As the one you both propose." Mr. Patricio said.

Both Jimin and Jungkook widened their eyes, still frozen in their seats. What happened to their new head of department in New York? But, both of them don't want to question any further because they both are scared to know what's going on that will lead them to bring a high expectation to their boss.

"Your promotion is going to happen next week. Your departure is already arranged by our human resource. In the meantime, we provide your staying for three months—"

"We don't need to, sir. Uhm, I already had a place there. Your trust in us to give us a second chance in this promotion already matters to us, me and Jimin will stay in my place. Besides, we already have a roommate here." Jungkook cut him.

Mr. Patricio seems a little bit surprised but he doesn't ask further questions either, and he just nods.

"Okay, then. Everything's settled, I congratulate both of you guys. You both deserve it." Mr. Patricio stood up and offered a handshake for both of them.

Jungkook and Jimin are still keeping their calm nerves until they both enter the elevator.



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