Chapter 19

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"That's it! Lisa! this is third time you spacing out!" Yoongi suddenly bangs the folders to her table

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"That's it! Lisa! this is third time you spacing out!" Yoongi suddenly bangs the folders to her table. She was startled because she's been daydreaming. She just glared at him and read her paperwork again. "The sex must be short circuit your brain." Yoongi jokes.

"How come you say that?" Lisa furrows her eyebrows at her. "Because I used to be like that." Yoongi replied.

"Ew, ew, ew, there's a picture in my head right now." Lisa feels disgusted but it only makes Yoongi laugh more. Lisa and Yoongi start making a project together, there's a celebrity skin care product that proposes Lisa to be lead PR and she asked Yoongi if he wants to join.

Lisa and Jungkook are getting stronger, it's like they can't be separate. Since Jungkook and Jimin are best friends and their girlfriends are best friends too, sometimes they just decide to switch apartments. Lisa couldn't be happier because Jungkook never failed to care for her. He often picks her up from work to drag her to his apartment so she can sleep over there. Lisa sometimes feels bad because Jimin is in her apartment alone, Chayeoung has been busy with her internship and sometimes comes home really late, like midnight. Lisa initiates to not sleepover more often because Jimin needs him too for hanging out with him. She used to be alone in the apartment though, so Jungkook decided from now on to only allow sleepovers twice a week.

"How's Jungkook by the way?" Yoongi asked her.

"Hmm. as usual. But he's been busy these days. I thought after his project with kimchi ended we're going to spent much time together but apparently he's trying to find another new insight in here, i don't know what for because as far as i know, his boss told him to extend here until next year just to supervise and report back, not really working working." Lisa said.

"Since when have you been this clingy?" Yoongi was startled because it's not like Lisa. With Mingyu, she just goes with the flow . That's why sometimes it's boring because Lisa didn't do anything and Mingyu was scared to do anything more with her since she didn't show any interest in getting to the next level.

Lisa just shrugged because she knows it's embarrassing but she likes it. "I'm evolving to have a grown up relationship."

Yoongi scoffed, he couldn't believe what he just heard. "It's not evolved, you're back to having a 10th grade relationship, you guys are such high schoolers." It only makes Lisa reply with a pout.

"Speaking of relationships, how are things going with Jennie? Are you guys becoming friends right now?" Yoongi just shrugged. Lisa really wants Yoongi to be fine with Jennie because both of them are her best friends.

"I wish we could hangout with Jennie unnie, Jungkook, and Taehyung oppa." Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "Taehyung? Since when did you become close? I thought it was only because he was supervising you?" Lisa gritted her teeth, she shouldn't have told him about Taehyung and Jennie, right? Or maybe she just says it now? but it's their relationship, Jennie unnie will kill her.

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