Chapter 40

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By the way guys! I forgot to add something in chapter 39! I hope it's not too late or make it like a bad story. I hope you can go back to see the details again! I'm sorry! Hope you enjoy☺️☺️

 I hope you can go back to see the details again! I'm sorry! Hope you enjoy☺️☺️

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His head yells to himself to let his feet go faster. He can't believe he's about to lose the love of his life.

'What have I done?'

'I kill her'

'I kill her lovely soul'

'Don't take away from me, Please'

This is what it feels like when Lisa about to lose him when he had robbed that day. But, he's not there when she's in her worst state, he's not there when she is drowning, he's not there to give her CPR. He's not there at all. He's a jerk.

He ran all the way in the hospital wings to her room. He comes by in the evening when everyone leaves from work and makes him stuck in traffic. He already got a late flight, and now this traffic makes him crazier. So, he ran to the hospital in the middle of traffic. How can Lisa drown in that river? Since when did Lisa start running? What's on her mind lately?

Flashback this morning. . .

He got another call from Yoongi but he still ignored him. He didn't need another lecture from someone just because they were close with Lisa. Even Lisa herself is not calling him, so she must be fine with it, and maybe even if she gets worry she must be occupy herself with work.

Suddenly, Jennie's phone rings. She got a text message from her mom. "Oh my god! Archie is on the way here again! I miss my baby even if it's just for three days." She pouted.

"What happened to Taehyung?" Jin asked her. She just shrugged, and decided to call her mom to ask about her husband.

Jennie suddenly froze on her seat with mouth hanging open, and her face froze. Jungkook and Jin were confused. Did something happen to Taehyung?

She stares at Jungkook with horror in her eyes. Jungkook frowns when she stares at him, still with her phone in her ears. After a moment, Jungkook realized something. It's about him.

"What happened to her?" He asks her coldly. She just stares because she can't speak for what she just heard. "Noona. What. Happened. To. Lisa" He emphasized again. "She-she"

Jungkook bangs the table and makes Jennie finch. "She's in hospital, the pedestal saw her drowning in Riverside Park. Taehyung and Yoongi are taking care of her now." Jennie finally can explain to him. Without even thinking he rushed to the airport even though he didn't borrow anything. His mind is full of horror scenarios.

He is called Yoongi. After a few rings, he picked up. "Don't you dare come." He sternly said. "She's my wife!", "YET YOU'RE NOT CARE ABOUT HER!" Yoongi is screaming from the other line.

Jungkook cares for her. He never did not care for her.

"She was drowning because of you"

Yoongi's words make him even more furious, and devastated at the same time.

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