Chapter 24

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Jungkook taps his bedside table to find his phone but there's no use since his eyes are still closed, he can't feel where his phone is.

"Argh!" Finally Jungkook peeked through his pillow to scan his phone and grab it to turn off the alarm.

He played his playstation 5 until one o'clock because Jimin turned out to be online in Chaeyoung's apartment, he asked why he was still playing and Jimin said to him that Chaeyoung was still in the studio recording with Chanyeol. After they arrived in New York, Chanyeol went straight to his studio to record some songs and invited Chaeyoung to do it with him. Jungkook starts to feel that from time to time Jimin feels lonely. He is always online and every time he asks Jimin, he always says Chaeyoung wasn't there.

Jungkook gets up and smells food, Lisa must be preparing breakfast right now. Jungkook opens the door and he sees Lisa on the phone in front of the window. She seems busy and she is already ready with her white cashmere shirt and black trousers. He scanned through his dining table and he could see waffles and juice, nice. Jungkook sat and started to prepare his and her plate, he put two waffles for him and one waffle for Lisa. He put the jam, whipped cream, and strawberries on top of it. He spotted his wall clock that they have half an hour for getting ready so at least he prepared Lisa's plate too to make it quick.

After five minutes, Lisa turned around and startled, Jungkook was already ready to eat and prepared their plates. "Good morning, baby." Lisa pecked his lips and sat beside him. "Was that from work?" Jungkook asked while pouring orange juice for both of them. "No, it's Jin oppa." Jungkook was shocked and turned his head to her. Wow, they're really close that fast. He's glad Lisa is getting along with his family sooner.

"Huh? What is it about? Why didn't he call me?" Jungkook picks up his phone to check there's no missed call from his family. Lisa chuckles and holds his hand on the table. "No, it's not an emergency. He invite me to go to Korea for new year's eve, but i said me and you will spend new year in here, suddenly Jin oppa suggest to throw a party that we will be hosting together as couple. He will invite all the cousins, what do you think?"

Jungkook contemplates because he is already thinking about having a romantic new year's eve dinner. But, he is so happy that Lisa started to get close with his family. Maybe this will be a start to moving forward and be more serious if they already talk about marriage. He thinks of all the romantic things he can do later if they're married.

Jungkook nodded along and started to speak. "Okay, sounds fun. But, don't be too much okay, we're doing some kind like private party with fifty people only." Lisa furrows her eyebrows. "Fifty isn't too many? What do you actually think a private party would be like? I thought you'd say like twenty." Lisa asked.

He chuckles and caresses her hand. "You don't know who my cousins will invite to this party, they'll make excuses like 'this is my new girlfriend' or 'this is all my best friend, they want to spend the holiday in New York too' and many more. One time, Yugyeom threw his birthday party. He invited a hundred of his model friends, not to mention our grandpa forced us to invite important people like investors. it's like we were holding a concert when it's just his birthday party."

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