Chapter 27

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Lisa gets down to her Mercedes to her cousin's hotel

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Lisa gets down to her Mercedes to her cousin's hotel. Jungkook said they will have a staycation there as a valentine's day plan. Suddenly, Derek the bellboy who always helps Lisa everytime she's going there approaches her with a little rush.

"Ms. Manoban, good evening. Perhaps you could follow me somewhere, i need to show you something." Derek said. Lisa seems confused but she just follows what he says. So, she let the security take her small luggage to her room and follow Derek. She's kinda surprised since Derek takes her a turn to the left from the receptionist when an elevator hall is on the right.

"It's nice to see you again after almost a year, Ms. Manoban. Were you really busy these past months? You always take a staycation once a month here for almost three years." Derek said. She has a personal room for herself since Ten gave her it for free, everyone in the hotel knows her. Apparently, these past months she is busy falling in love.

"Ah yes, I am taking on an extra project for my performance to get a bonus and looking forward to another promotion." She lied. Derek just nodded and continued to walk. They arrived at the hotel lounge but it's empty. She spotted a banner that said 'Private Event' and the entrance was closed but Derek just let her in. "Uhm, you're not coming?" Lisa asked. Derek chuckled and shook his head. "I think you should go by yourself, Ms. Manoban. Happy valentine's day" Derek said goodbye and left.

So, Lisa just continues to walk and she sees something amazing. It's a Valentine's day dinner. But, there's no one in there except one guy, it's Jungkook.

She's so surprised because two things, it's her first time to celebrate Valentine's and she can't believe Jungkook just make a grand gesture like this, book a whole place just for them

She's so surprised because of two things, it's her first time celebrating Valentine's and she can't believe Jungkook just made a grand gesture like this, booking a whole place just for them.

Meanwhile, Jungkook stands there looking. . . Oddly casual. She thought it was surprising that he put on a suit.

"Baby" Lisa called while walking to him. Jungkook approaches her too and holds both of her hands. "Hi, happy Valentine's Day, baby," Jungkook said. He dragged her to sit on their table that was already decorated romantically. Jungkook let her sit on her chair and sat across from her. Suddenly, the chef appeared and served them the first course.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Jungkook. You're so sweet to arrange all of this to remember our first meeting." Lisa said. So she knows why Jungkook did all of this in Ten's hotel, he wanted them to remember their encounter. "I thought to make a more grand gesture you'll be in a suit with a whole orchestra to make a romantic vibe." Lisa jokingly said but Jungkook just chuckled too.

"You don't remember, do you?" Jungkook asked her while gesturing to his body with his hands. Lisa furrows her eyebrows while thinking what he's talking about, after a second she finally understands, it's his outfit months ago when they met in here. He wears an all black outfit with the same t-shirt and combat boots. Wow, she forgot how hot he was that day.

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