Chapter 14

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Lisa catch up with Nayeon and Chaeyoung in appetizer restaurant, she spot they already finish their food

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Lisa catch up with Nayeon and Chaeyoung in appetizer restaurant, she spot they already finish their food

Lisa catches up with Nayeon and Chaeyoung in an appetizer restaurant, she spots them already finishing their food. She approaches them and notices there's a big platter of cheese, there's still another cheese left, grapes, ham, and olives.

"Hey, are you guys done? ready for lunch?" Lisa immediately sat on their table.

"Lisa, I'm sorry we didn't leave you anything because we thought you'll catch up at lunch ," Chaeyoung apologized to her.

"No, no, no that's fine! I'm actually not into cheese platters and I'm really hungry! I want real food." They just chuckle and nod. "Hi Lisa! It's nice to meet you again! we didn't have a chance to talk at the last party." Nayeon finally speaks.

"Oh that's fine Nayeon, we both have things to do in there especially you Mingyu and all the guests, I understand." Lisa smiles back at her. After a little chit chat, they're heading to lunch at Zou Zou's.

While they are waiting for their order, they just talk and laugh together. "Yes! and i just completely embarrassed for being that stupid to throw my pencil so it hit Jimin, i just stay quiet until the person behind me walked away but he did not! he went to my desk and handed me my pencil" Chaeyoung tell her story how she met Jimin for the first time. Lisa and Nayeon laugh out loud because of Chaeyoung's stupid act.

"But eventually we met again at a coffeehouse beside the library and bought me coffee." Chaeyoung continued. "Your story is just like any drama I watch Chae, it's cheesy, stupid, and romantic all at once." Lisa talks to her. Suddenly Chaeyoung turned to Nayeon. "How about you? How did you meet Mingyu?" Lisa turns her eyes to Chaeyoung feeling nervous and Chaeyoung just gives a stare back to her and both of them turn to Nayeon waiting for her story.

"Oh actually, Mingyu's grandma set us up when i had a modeling job in New York months ago, he's so thoughtful because he told me at first he didn't like a set up but he still wants to be a gentleman to hangout all day with me getting to know each other."Lisa shock with Nayeon story, how dare Mingyu straight honest with her, poor Nayeon sometimes Mingyu just being straightforward just because it's good thing to do.

"And I don't know, after all day we're spending time together. He confesses that he had a great time with me and apologizes for saying those words earlier. I just chuckle at his stupid move and accept his offer to go on another date." Nayeon tells her story again.

"Wow, you guys have a romance drama in your love life and I'm envious." Lisa pretends to be upset and makes Chaeyoung and Nayeon giggle at her. "Oh come on! tell me a story about you and Jungkook!" Nayeon playfully pushes Lisa's arm to insist that she tell the story. "Okay" Lisa drinks her ice tea first and talks.

"It's just a typical friend thing, Chaeyoung introduced me to Jimin and his friend Jungkook, he made a move on me first by asking my number in front of Chae when I was about to go inside my apartment and that's it!"Lisa finished her story.

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