Chapter 31

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Lisa is sending to her boss' office she thought maybe it's time for a promotion since her break up with Jungkook, she's nothing but a badass

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Lisa is sending to her boss' office she thought maybe it's time for a promotion since her break up with Jungkook, she's nothing but a badass. Mrs. Hopkins' secretary open the door for her and she entering it. She see Mrs. Hopkins and Mr. Douglas, the head of department in human resources.

"Ms. Manoban, take a seat please." Her boss said. "What's up? am i in trouble? it's rare to see Mr. Douglas in here." Mr. Douglas seemed serious and he handed her a letter. "We need to talk to you about your staying in USA Ms. Manoban, there's several notice letter that apparently you were not responding for this past three months." Mr. Douglas explained.

"Uh? What?" Lisa still oblivious of what this conversation is about.

"You're not sending your visa application, there's one month notice last month from immigration and there's a several interviews too you didn't attend." Mrs. Hopkins said to her. "You have to go back to Thailand for a year before you can get back here again after your visa done."

Lisa's eyes gets bigger. Is she getting fired? "WHAT?! i literally build this company! we make a huge marketing deal with hollywood celebrities worth million of dollars! can they see i'm a part of building an american companies development?!" Mrs. Hopkins sighed.

"Lisa they don't care of you being a part of PR builder of Rare Beauty, they just need law abiding citizen." Lisa scoffed.

"Unless you and Jungkook get married since he already have a green card in here, you can stay here right away from marital relationship." Lisa widen her eyes, oh yes, Mrs.Hopkins still not knowing they already broken up five months ago, she never follow a gossip, like she will care anyway. So, she came up with an idea.

"Actually, i was getting propose last week but uh, i want to be a surprise because some media." Lisa reasoned out but Mrs. Hopkins just arch her eyebrows. "With Jungkook?"

Lisa gritted her teeth, her hands getting sweaty while playing with hem of her shirt. "Uh, you will know later but i assure you next week i will get permission from immigration to organize all the form to get my visa through marital matter." Lisa excuse herself from her boss office.

She exit the building and keep walking until she arrived at central park. She feel lost, this job is her everything. After breaking up with Jungkook, she wants to have a distraction. She hope Chaeyoung is in here with her right now. She isn't feeling sad but she feel furious, why universe never on her side.

First, she has to broken up with the love of her life and now one thing that keep her going on with her life will be taken away from her. She doesn't want to go back to Thailand, her mother will arrange marriage her immediately if she knows Lisa won't have a life outside them anymore.

"AAAHHHHH!!!!!" Lisa screamed to her lung in Bow Bridge Central Park. All birds flying around because scared of Lisa's scream, people around the park just staring at her assume she's just out of her mind, well actually she is.

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