Chapter 11

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Jungkook and Lisa finished their lunch at Tony's for an hour, they talked so much but most of it just Jungkook asked something random to Lisa about her life

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Jungkook and Lisa finished their lunch at Tony's for an hour, they talked so much but most of it just Jungkook asked something random to Lisa about her life. Lisa only told him about her parents in Thailand, what to do and hot spots in Switzerland, and her recent project here. Still Jungkook didn't get a single story about her and Mingyu.

He thought if he wanted to make her come up with Mingyu's story he should keep mentioning him, so he did. He told her every detail about him and Mingyu's project, what they did yesterday, and Mingyu's habit when they're meeting each other but Lisa didn't budge.

Lisa seemed not to notice Jungkook kept mentioning about Mingyu because she realized he doesn't affect her anymore, she completely moved on. She thought everytime Jungkook kept telling her about him and Mingyu was because he found Mingyu is a cool guy to work and hangout with, Lisa admitted it was true, Mingyu is a good guy.

"Oh yeah, you seem to have a great day every time you hangout or work with Mingyu, he's great to hangout with," Lisa casually said while swirling around her spaghetti on her plate.

'Huh, you still praise Mingyu.' Jungkook thought.

"Oh you hangout often too with him?" Jungkook asked back.

"Uh yeah, of course, his grandma owns the company so every party she holds or company's event, we're always there and chit chat with other co-workers."

'That's not what I meant! damn it Lisa! you make me crazy.' Jungkook talks to himself.

That's what Jungkook always thinks every time he talks about him and Lisa just responds with an agreement, even when he mentions Mingyu's bad habit Lisa can still agree with him like she knows him well. But what Lisa was saying is true before Mingyu tried to court her, they never hangout outside work because they're not close friends, they're pure work friends. Mingyu confessed to her not when they're hanging out just the two of them or with friends at the bar, it was at the company's 45th anniversary gala dinner.

'That's it! I'm giving up, she's just too innocent to realize.' Jungkook thinks to himself but it's just Lisa didn't make a problem anymore about him.


Jungkook and Lisa parted ways in front of the restaurant but when they were about to walk different ways she called him again.

"Jungkook!" He turned around.

"So Saturday at eleven o'clock? I can pick you up with my driver." Lisa offer but Jungkook seem to think and start talking,

"Nah, i pick you up, consider that will be our date." Jungkook winked at her, making her flustered. Luckily Jungkook is so far away that he can't notice her red cheeks.

"Okay see you later, bunny." Lisa waves her hand while getting into her car.

Jungkook waved his hand too with a soft smile, "Goodbye, doll." He decided to take a walk to clear up his mind about Mingyu's thing. He's thinking it would be so awkward if he were there with Lisa? He wants to accompany Lisa but he is still bothered with engagement stuff that Nayeon tells him.

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