Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung arrived at Lisa's office after her class finished

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Chaeyoung arrived at Lisa's office after her class finished. She went to the receptionist and asked for a pass to her bestfriend's floor, while she walked somebody called her.

"Rosie?" Chaeyoung moves her head to the sound of who called her, and she sees her boyfriend standing in front of the cafe with two of his coworkers with their suits on. She examined her boyfriend in a suit and was sure he's hot. His hair styling is really nice, slicked back and leaving a coma strained hair in his forehead.

"Hey babe! what are you doing here?" She ran to him and give a peck on the cheek, same as Jimin. "I just made a deal with the agency here that you told me, are you visiting your friend?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, she's asking to stop by, I think we're going to have lunch." Chaeyoung replied. Jimin notices Jungkook and Bambam just stare at them so Jimin decides to introduce her.

"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Roseanne. Jungkook, i try to introduce you someday if her friend available too because we want to matchmaking you guys but since she's here you might know now." Jimin explained. Jungkook offered his hand. "Hello, I'm Jungkook, Jimin's best friend and coworker." Bambam joined "Hello, i am Kunpimook, you can call me Bambam since i am Jimin's friend too."

Chaeyoung's eyes got bigger when she saw Jungkook. Is it Jeon Jungkook from The Kim Brothers show? Her favorite tv show? Why did Jimin never tell her that Jeon Jungkook is his best friend and colleague! She's about to faint to see him, it's like meeting a celebrity. But of course she should stay cool in front of her boyfriend, other than he will find it weird but she thinks Jimin will get jealous too.

"Hello Jungkook, Hello Bambam." She greeted them shyly. "So are you guys going to go back to the office?" Chaeyoung asked them. "Yes, babe, unfortunately we have to go. I pick you up tonight at seven?" Jimin asked. "Okay, see you tonight" Chaeyoung gave a peck on the lips this time, Jimin chuckled and they started to walk away from the building, and suddenly Chaeyoung got a call.

"Hey, have you arrived? I'm at the coffee truck outside, beside the building." Lisa tell her immediately, "I'm about to go up but okay i'm going." She walks fast, exits the building and goes straight to the left.

"Hey! you bitch! I miss you so much! How dare you not come home last night! I was making your favorite sushi! i thought about surprising you with delicious food but i've been waiting all night until i fell asleep. So I called my boyfriend instead, luckily he still wanted to come by late at night to our apartment to eat again." Chaeyoung hugs Lisa really tight while whining like a kid makes Lisa chuckle.

"I'm sorry! I got confused, did I really want to go home right away or just be by myself to muffle my stress, so I just came to Ten's hotel and checked one room." Lisa reasoned out.

"So, what happened? you're not usually call me to fetch you at the office except for emergency stuff like forgetting a tampon and your clothes getting stained a million times! it's like you don't even know your body!" Chaeyoung sarcastically said.

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