Spin Off - Chapter 2: #Jinsoo, Will You Trust Me?

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six months after Lisa-Jungkook encounter and Jin-Jisoo engagement announcement.

Jisoo parked her car in a car port of Jeon-Kim mansion. She wants to surprise him with a bouquet she made herself from flower arranging class today. It's their eleven year anniversary to be together. They're already engaged but they still want to celebrate their last relationship for being girlfriend and boyfriend, little did they know it's their last celebration of everything. Jin said to Jisoo to visit the mansion first because grandpa called him this morning, they will have lunch at a rooftop restaurant in a five star hotel.

She enters the mansion and is greeted by many maids there, yes it's like they have hundreds and she only remembers five of them, not because she's ignorant but because she only interacts with that many maids. One of them told her that Jin was in grandpa Kim's office so she wanted to wait in front of his office to greet grandpa too. It's been a week since they've met each other. While she sat on the couch in front of his office she admired so many paintings on the wall but then she heard someone yelling.

"I can't and I don't wanna! You think just because you have everything, you can control other people's life too? you already gave your blessings." Jin? Jisoo thinks to herself.

"You didn't tell me she's going to be a singer, you never told me she's not gonna take over her dad's company, if you both take over our company it will be more convenient for us and I will consider you as my new VP." Grandpa? Are they talking about our marriage? Jisoo was confused and worried at the same time.

"So that's all you can see, huh? other people's power? What if I get married to a simple woman from a village? Would you give your blessing?" Jin challenges his grandpa.

"I will! because she will be at your side for the rest of your life! she can be with you anywhere you wanna be, but as a singer? Who knows if she will interact with a more handsome guy than you? or some boy group flirting with her at an award show? you put your reputation in danger." Jisoo finally realizes, it's not specifically her that grandpa has a problem about but her job. Of course there's so many scandals and rumors about artists cheating or dating another artist but her? Jin is the most handsome guy for her! How can she find any better?

His grandpa continued, "Besides, this is more convenient for Junmyeon to be VP in our Seoul company, he owns a TV network here, you basically can work anywhere. You're going to New York to be the new CEO in our branch there, no argument." But Jin is still not tempted by that. There's a quiet moment and Jisoo thinks again. Grandpa Kim wants a girl who can stand by her grandsons all time, being a doll that carries around to events and in front of reporters, being their first lady.

Jisoo can't give Jin that kind of relationship, she already failed with her girl group Red Velvet last year because her members didn't want to extend the contract and she really wanted to pursue singing, even his dad helped her to arrange her album. Her dad was that excited to see his daughter being all that persistent.

"Then i quit my job, i sent my resignation as soon as possible!" His grandpa gasped at Jin's statement while he marched out from his office.

Jisoo on the outside was shocked, 'he's quitting his job because of me?' Although she felt flustered because of his effort to prove how much Jin loved her, it's still not right. She stood up when Jin opened the door and was startled when he saw Jisoo in the hallway.

"Hey love! You're here already! Did you wait long? I'm so sorry, grandpa suddenly wants to talk about work that can't be avoided." Jin changed his angry face to happy but of course Jisoo can notice he is faking it a little bit.

"Hi! it's only five minutes anyway! What are you talking about there? Was there some problem in the office?" Jisoo kissed his cheek while talking. Jin was taken aback by Jisoo's question, 'she didn't hear all of their conversation, right?' Jin thinks to himself. He embraced Jisoo and caressed her head.

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