Chapter 22

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Hello, i revised earlier chapters from chapter 1 to 10, Hope you like it! Happy reading!


All the cousins, Jisoo, and Lisa, gather around the restaurant where they had dinner last night to have lunch there too

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All the cousins, Jisoo, and Lisa, gather around the restaurant where they had dinner last night to have lunch there too. It's a good spot because apparently it is so close to people skiing.

They order a big meal because all the cousins are hungry from trying skiing , which doesn't succeed since there's only three people who are really good at it. They are Jungkook, Yugyeom, and Chanyeol. Meanwhile as for Lisa and Jisoo they just order a salad, steak, and one cake slice they share.

"So, did you pack a dress for dinner tonight?" Jisoo, who's sitting across from Lisa , asked her. Jungkook and Jin who sit beside both of them are just busy talking with other cousins so they are just getting along with each other. "I did, but I don't know if it'll fit with tonight's birthday dinner."

Lisa gritted her teeth. She packed two dresses because she's so confused about what the dinner is going to be like. "Oh? Let's get dressed together to see, okay? If you won't sure about your choice you can wear mine. I bought like five dresses." Lisa nodded.

Jungkook who heard it suddenly leaned into her and whispered in her ear. "What are you gonna wear?" Lisa startled and turned to her side, his face and hers now really close to each other making her eyes get big.

Lisa turns into a smile and suddenly pecks his lips. "It's a surprise, baby." Jungkook chuckled because now Lisa is being so cute and he kissed her cheeks. "Okay." Jungkook caresses her head and turns back to his conversation with his cousins.

Jisoo smirked at what she just witnessed. They're both so cute. She suddenly thinks of an idea. "Lisa, do you want to browse a store around here? I think I want to buy other winter clothes." Lisa nodded and they suddenly stood up because it's already two in the afternoon and they will browse for so long, they have to get ready for Jin's birthday dinner which takes more than just an hour. Jisoo leans in to Jin for whispering at him.

"Love, I will go with Lisa downtown to shop for some stuff, okay? I will meet you at dinner." Jin pouted because he's confused.

"Why do we have to meet at dinner? you guys will take a long time to go shopping?" Jisoo chuckles and caresses his cheek.

"No, but I want to dress up in another room to surprise you later." Jin turned into a smile and nodded. "Okay, be careful."

"Have fun, baby." Jungkook caresses her hands while Lisa is standing up and walking to get out of the restaurant.

Jisoo and Lisa were walking on the sidewalk downtown when Carl drove them there. Jisoo browses winter clothes and finds one but Lisa still contemplates so she just follows Jisoo around. They went to a department store because Jisoo wanted to see some perfume. But, across the perfume and make-up section there's a lingerie display. Jisoo has a sneaky idea so she just walks back to the spot and browses something sexy for her and Lisa.

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