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I woke up in a room which was dimly lit but when i looked around i saw that i was not familiar with my surroundings. I blinked once then twice i thought i was in a dream i even tried to pinch myself but i guess i was not really in a dream i kind of freaked out but not really which was concerning regarding the fact i was in an unfamiliar room i could be kidnapped but it wouldn't be that bad would it? Atleast i am away from that hell hole they call home

Anyways shut up Rose and take a moment to appreciate your surroundings

Well now that i have gotten rid of my inner dialogue i looked around the room and realised that it was the same room i always wanted to have. My dream room.

Now i am completely sure that a creepy stalker of mine has kidnapped me and is trying to bribe me to fall in love with him or her i don't know. But one thing i do know is it's working maybe give me a alot of food and icecream with this deal and i am sold- no wait what shut up Rose think straight someone could be trying to kill you. You dumb food loving bitch

Yeah sure as if i am gonna get a stalker then i started to really look around i saw that there a huge window to the left side of the bed i was laying in. The window covered the whole wall and two of the walls were covered in lavender paint. If you didn't know lavender is my favourite colour i have lavendar coloured hair and all. The bed was in the middle of the room, the wall behind the bed was covered in a lavender coloured wallpaper. The wall paper was lavendar coloured while there were black butterflies all over the lavender background there specs of glitter everywhere on that wallpaper. There were two bedside tables on either side of the bed

Duh they are called bedside tables for a reason you idiot

After i rolled my eyes in my self roast i looked around even more i saw that there is a huge full length mirror on my right side of the bed. Then moving on from the mirror there were small lamps on each bedside table and a small digital alarm on the left side of my bed which is the side i always sleep on. There were curtains on the window which is why the room was dimly lit i could clearly see that it was morning. After this i realised i don't even know what time it is so i looked at the Digital Alarm clock

10:30 oh shit i missed school damn it then my slow brain remembers its Sunday so i calmed down

I should get up now. So i got up and walked to the bathroom which also shocked me because it was beautiful and huge

That's what she said -shut up

I am so childish i swear i am a 10 year old stuck in a 17 year old's body rolling my eyes at me i looked at my self in the mirror and i swear my heart stopped for a whole minute if even that is possible but ig it did. I stopped talking to myself and looked at my reflection in the mirror my face was covered in bruises, then the horrible memories of last night rushed to me and hit me like a truck

Well i already look like I had been hit by a moving truck a few times but that is besides the point

Well lets see my injuries i have a huge bruise on my right cheekbone which was around the cut on the same cheek and then a bruise on the side of the lips on the left side of my face and my bottom lip was also busted.

Nothing i haven't dealt with before

Then i freshened up a bit, used the toilet, brushed my teeth and rinsed my face with cold water which hurt like a bitch due to the busted lip and the cut on the cheekbone. After this my stomack started to rumble so i went outside i guess i will shower later. I was wearing a oversized tee which reached my knee and black soft flowy shorts. After checking out my hot self in the full length mirror i walked out of the room into a big living room and then i realised where i was. I was in Alex's apartment. I looked around to see where he was then i saw that i even have a bruise on my freaking arm one on my wrist. I still looked around to find where Alex is then i walk into the kitchen finding him cooking breakfast. As soon as i walk into the kitchen as if he felt my presence he turned around and gave a worried smile and i smiled back assuring him i am fine.

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