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I had never cried infront of anyone not even my mother. I had always been the one who always had to be strong for them. But now i had shown my vulnerable side to her. Rosalyn my sweet Rose she came crushing into my life. Literally. First look at her and i was already drawn to her. Something about her makes me feel calm i always feel safe with her. Though it is weird i do have the urge to protect her but i also feel safe around her. I always thought there was something wrong with me. I thought it was my fault why my mom was going through all that. I had never been drawn to anyone. I did impulsively have sex with a girl once going through a dark time. Both the girl and i being drunk led one thing to another. I do regret it now especially i did want to have my first time with my girl. When i said she is the best thing that ever happened to me i did mean it. My life was fucked up i was fucked up but she came in my life like a beam of sunshine. I tired to deny my feelings for her for as long as i could. Matthew and Tyler were the one who knocked some sense into me. I don't deserve her but i am a selfish motherfucker i cannot let her leave. I know if she ever leaves i would not be able to live with that. In the little time i had known her she has become my everything. This short girl has changed everything in my life she bought me a reason to live. I put my forehead on hers staying like that for a few minutes as she tried to soothe me. I had told her the biggest part of my life. The shittiest part. I hugged her tightly afraid that if i let her go it would all be a dream and i wouldn't have her next to me. As if she felt my panic she kissed my head and whispered.

"I am always here. Always." These are the last words i heard before i let darkness consume me and i fell asleep.

I don't even how long i have slept. When i woke up i was still wrapped up in her arms. She was rubbing her eyes while the door was slightly open. Her brother was standing at the door. "Go away he is sleeping." She whisper yelled at her brother. While i pretended to still be asleep cuddling into her even more. As she played with my hair. I love it when she touches me. I don't really like physical affection never did and never will except her. Always her. All my life i hated being touch now i can't go a few hours without her being close to me. "Wake up i am bored." She whispered poking my arm again and again. I tried to supress my smile. She sounded so adorable her sleepy voice a little huskier than normal. I turned us around so now she was on top. She gasped at my sudden movement making me laugh. Another thing she made me comfortable with. She makes me laugh so effortlessly. "You scared the shit out of me." She says and slaps my chest.

"Morning." I say opening my eyes.

"More like night now Get up and eat something." She said.

"No." I replied wanting to stay in bed cuddling her.

"But i am hungry." She says instantly making me get out of bed. She giggles and fuck these giggle did something to me. She doesn't giggle much but when she does that does do stuff to me. I get out of bed with her hanging onto me like a koala. We get out of her room and her brother had made dinner.

"Can you guys just do this shit in the room?" He said and i rolled my eyes as i placed her down on the couch then sat next to her closing my eyes. She kissed my cheek.

"How are you now?" She asked.

"I am alright baby. Thank you." I say smiling at her kissing her forehead. She matches my smile.

Fucking gorgeous.

"You are fucking gorgeous." I say and she gives me a shy smile. She turned pink making her look like a fucking goddess. We kept looking eachother in our eyes grinning. I leant forwards and kissed forehead again.

"I know you guys are in love or something but geez stop. Get a room. Actually don't and come eat." Her brother says and i roll my eyes.

"Sure man. I get it you are single as fuck." I say and Rose laughs.

"Rose." Her brother says gasping. She laughs and gets up. Taking my hand pulling me to the kitchen counter and told me to wash my hands i did and sat on the kitchen stool.

"The food looks awesome man." I say to her brother. He smiles at me.

"Thanks man." He said. We eat quietly. Rosie sitting right beside me laughing at the stupid jokes her brother makes. Her small pretty hand on my thigh. Rubbing it up and down. I don't even think she knows that she is doing that. I kept looking at smiling in a trance. She looked at me smiling raising her brows. I shake my head. "You guys are too cute but please stop i am sitting right here." I roll my eyes at her brother.

All of us sat in the kitchen talking about shit. It was mostly them talking and i was listening occasionally answering. Being in a trance with her i can't believe i get to call her my girlfriend. Fucking hell she is gorgeous.

"Ok now get the fuck out of the kitchen and let me do that dishes." She said her brother got up and got out. Then turned the television on.

"Do you need help?" I asked. She rolled her beautiful eyes.

"The only help would be that you get out of the kitchen and let me do my work baby." She says shaking her head while smiling. I was about to argue otherwise but she shooed my away. I kissed her on the cheek and went to the bathroom.

After finishing my business and washing my hands i got out. Walking towards the balcony i saw a sketch book laying on the desk i grabbed it and went out to her balcony. I sat down on the couch. Flipping through the pages every drawing on each page had been so fuckinh gorgeous. My girl is so damn talented. Halfway flipping through the pages a bunch of papers dropped out of the sketchbook. I picked it up and all of the pages were filled with drawings of me. All of the drawings were amazing but the one that stood out to me the most was a one where the whole drawing was a pencil sketch. Every feature on my face drawn on to the page with perfection. The sketch was so beautiful that i begin to question if i am that good looking in her eyes. Everything was beautiful but the thing that stood out the most were my eyes. They were deep ocean blue the exact colour of my real eyes. I was mesmerised by how talented my girl is all of a sudden the drawings were snatched from my hands.

"Omg Leo that is an invasion of privacy." She says crossing her arms over her chest pouting ger already perfectly pouted beautiful lips.

"You are fucking adorable." I say she smiles forgetting that she is angry then stomping her feet pouting her lips again.

"Don't change the damn topic mister. Do not get into my stuff." She says frowning.

"As for the privacy weren't the drawing of me? I mean if i want to look at them i can." I say smugly. Her frown deepened. I got up and pulled her to my chest and sat back down. "Alright alright i am kidding but you are so fucking talented love. I am proud to call you mine." She snuggled into me nuzzling her face into my neck.

"You are an idiot." She says and i feel her smiling into my neck.

"Your idiot." I say and she laughs.

"So cheesy. But yes you are my idiot and mine only." She pecked my neck.

"Feeling possessive aren't we?" I say chuckling. She laughs again and was about to answer but my phone rang.

"Hey mom." I say while Rosalyn is still cuddling into me on my lap.

"Hey lulu." I rolled my eyes at her stupid nickname. She laughs and continues " where are you?" I was about to answer but she continues " you know what don't answer that i know where you are. You're with that cute girl right? What was her name again?" I shake my head smiling. I heard Isabella tell mom Rosalyn's name. "Oh yeah Rosalyn such a sweet name for sweet girl. You can stay there if you want. Ok bye love you kiddo."

"Love you too mom bye." I say rolling my eyes.

"Stay" she looks at me with pleading eyes. "Please." She says pouting her lips. Her lips look so kissable rn. I leant down and placed a kiss on her beautiful pouty lips.

"Ofcourse baby." I say laying down on the couch with her top of me.

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