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Alex drops us off after telling us all the basic of a party like not leaving our drinks alone and all the stuff like i have never been to a party before. Liv and i start walking towards the party. I walk in and the smell of sweat, throw up and alcohol hit me like a fucking truck.

"Let's find the boys." Liv screams in ny ears. I plug my ear with my finger before nodding my head. I hold her hand and navigate us through the crowd. We walk in the kitchen where the music wasn't too loud and it wasn't so crowded i let go of Liv's hand and look around. My eyes navigating their way to find him. They fall on him in the corner of the kitchen his eyes already on me scanning me from head to toe. His eyes meet mine and they are full of lust and adoration his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. He look so fucking hot leaning against the wall with one of his hand in his pocket while the other one holding a drink. He was wearing all black. His hair messy falling on his forehead he had a pair of horns on top. I smile at him and pull Liv towards them. We start walking and  a fucking baboon's ass gets in my way. I audibly whine out loud and from the corner of my eyes i see Leo angrily walk towards us.

"Hey babygirl." Chase says with his ugly ass voice i look around to see who the fuck he is talking to because i am no babygirl of his.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?" I say still looking around "Actually don't fucking answer that and get the fuck out of the way you dumb fucking hoe." I start walking away and Chase brings his hand out to hold my arm but before he could Leo grips his hand and pushes him away.

"This is the last fucking warning run the fuck away or else you won't be able to walk on your feet again. Got it?" Leo says glaring at Chase. Chase gulps and walks away. Even after Chase walks away Leo keeps looking his way. I take a step towards him and give him a peck on his lips. He bring his hand to my jaw holding my head in place. He deepens the kiss and i feel him smile against my lips. He tastes like vodka and whatever the fuck he was drinking. "You are so fucking beautiful." Leo says against my lips. I break the kiss and pull away.

"How much did you drink already?" I ask him.

"Not much." He says smiling.

"Well you look really handsome and we are kinda matching baby." I say pecking his lips again. I decide not to drink since Leo was already quiet drunk. I hold Leo's hand and start walking towards the others.

"Hey guys. Y'all look amazing." I say smiling at both of them "oh and both of you are matching." I say looking at Liv and Tyler.  Tyler was wearing a pink silk button down with white slacks and a halo on his head.

"I- uh that was coincidental." Tyler says rubbing his neck.

"Sure it was anyways you both look cute." I say to both of them.

"Well guess am the only one not matching with anyone." Matthew says. He was wearing a vampire costume.

"Well let's find you a girl friend then." I say and he looks at me like i said something weird, makes a face and walks away. "What was that about?" I say laughing.

"He says he doesn't want a girlfriend or something. He thinks he is too cool to settles. I mean Leo was the same but look at him now." Tyler says shrugging. Leo keeps standing next to me holding my hand while rubbing his thumb on my knuckles. He was using his other hand to play with my hair twirling it around in his finger. I turn my head and stand on my tippy toes to kiss Leo's forehead "bend down." I say when i couldn't reach his forehead. I place a kiss on his head and pat his chest.

"Stop it you guys are too cute." Liv says and Tyler nods his head.

"Whatever." I say rolling eyes.

"I am gonna go to the bathroom." I tell Leo and he frowns like a sad puppy. I chuckle and peck him on the lips. "Take care of this drunk baby until i come back?" I ask Tyler he nods while laugh. Liv starts walking with me to the bathroom. We both walk in and i lock the door.

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