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As we both sat in Leo's car flirting a bit and me making Leo blush. Leo's phone rang and his mom needed him so he had somewhere to be. He asked me if i would be fine alone. I told him that i am not a child and ofcourse said yes. After a we both had a long makeout session outside my apartment building and me being in his lap cuddling him he had to leave. He dropped me off. After Leo left i walked to my apartment and changed into one of Leo's huge black hoodies which i have taken from him before he even asked me to be his girlfriend and pair of lavender sweatpants. After an hour of laying in my bed i decided that my hair needed to be dyed again. Mostly because i had nothing to do and i wanted to brighten it up. I got out of bed after think about gettingbout of bed for about fifteen minutes straight . I washed my face tied my hair into a loose low bun. I got out of the apartment and started walking towards the convenient store about 15 minutes away from me.

I reached the store and walked right towards the hair section which i knew too well at this point. I grabbed the lavender hairdye i always use. Once i grabbed my products i walked around browsing for anything i would like. Then i decided to stock up on some shampoo and also some conditioner. I bought all the things i needed and walked out. I walked back home and placed my stuff inside my bathroom procrastinating dye-ing my hair. I poured myself some orange juice, decided to workout and do some chores. I cleaned up my room and chamged into a workout set because ofcourse i wanted to look pretty while working out even tho i was home alone and not at a gym.I started working out.

After an hour of working out and blasting music and me randomly bursting into dancing instead of working out I decided it was time to dye my hair. I did all the steps needed to do and it took me about two hours to dye my hair. I didn't even bleach my hair and still it took that long I washed it out, took a shower and wore the same hoodie and sweatpants i was wearing before by this time it was about 6. I ate some leftover pasta, some chips i found in the pantry and some orange juice while watching a movie. During the movie Alex texted me asking if i am home i told him yes then he said that he is gonna be working till late today so i shouldn't wait on him. I continued watching the movie and somewhere along the watching it i fell asleep.

"Princess Princess." Someone yelled calling me? I looked around and saw a figure all black and blurry. A man maybe i guessed looking at his figure. Far away from me. He yelled again "Rosie Rose." I don't reply i can't really seem to figure out who he is. His voice is dishevelled still it seems familiar but i can't put my mind on it. "Where are you sweetheart?" My body doesn't feel like my own i start walking towards the shadowy man. As i walk towards him the distance doesn't seem to end. Yet the voice becomes clearer and clearer as he gets impatient and starts yelling even louder calling me by my name. I start running my legs hurt but the distance doesn't end. I keep running until my legs gave out. I fell down on the black void that is around me still the shadowy figure is standing out the most. I look down to see blood pouring out from my knee my whole body hurts. The shadowy figure still calling out to me. I get up without being in control of it. I start limping towards the figure this time i feel like the distance is going to come to an end. I walk towards the figure i reach my hand out to touch him and he disappeared. I look around to see him on the other side of the void. This time i see his face. It's dad? I start running towards him after running for what feels like hours i reach him he had a sad smile on his face. This time he reaches out to touch me and he disappeared again.

"DAD DAD. WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE DID YOU GO? DADDY I MISS YOU PLEASE COME BACK." I yell calling out to him. I was breathing heavily at this point. I look around again to see dad a few steps behind me. This time there were three other shadowy figures with him. What is going on? I walk towards me and all of their faces become clearer now. Mother, Chase and Warren were the three other shadowy figures. I try to get but they form a small circles around me. I look at dad with pleading eyes. The sad smile he had on his fave had turned into a frown then a loud bang, a gun shot i close my eyes but i hear no other voices. Instead when i open my eyes i see that everyone had disappeared again. I get up my body feeling all wobbly. I start running towards the light i see as soon as i reach it. Warren appeards in front of me and starts walking closer. The large void seemed to close up on me. I run towards the other light this time mother showed. I run again still the both of them following me walking slowly and calmly. Their faces had no emotion nothing. Everywhere a i run a figure appears this time it was Chase. I run towards the last one and this time ots dad but now he had a bullet wound a huge hole in the middle of his forehead. I scream and fall down. Every passing second they keep coming closer and void becomes smaller and smaller. They whisper nasty things about me and Chase bents down tries to touch me. I yell squirming around nothing works. Je still had no emotion i clise my eues tears streaming down my face as i yell again and open my eyes.

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