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I woke up next morning as the sunlight creeped inside the room through the huge window. I slowly tried to open my eyes as the sunlight shone directly on my face. I used the palm of my hands to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. I turn around to see Leo sleeping. He looked so peaceful, so calm and adorable. A lonely strand of his soft hair falling onto his forehead. His plump lips slightly pouted. I felt him shift a bit in his sleep so I immediately closed my eyes.

"You done staring baby?" He said as he rubbed his eyes. His morning voice music to my ears. I keep my eyes close pretending to be asleep. "I know you are awake love." He says and when i don't respond he climbs on top of me his chain grazing my neck. I gulp anticipating what's next. I feel his lips on my neck. He kissed my neck and i felt a shiver go down my spine. I flinch and slowly open my eyes to see him staring at me waiting for me to stop my act.

"Hi." I said grinning at him. He matches my grin.

"Good Morning." He says pecking my cheek.

"Good Morning cutie." I say and he falls back onto the bed. "What time is it?" I ask. He turns around and checks the time on his phone.

"5:45" he says and i nod.

"We still have school remember. " i say and he turns to look at me.

"No." He says.

"Yes now get your ass up." I say sitting up on the bed and Leo groans. I look around the room and see our clothes scattered around. I blushed as the memories from last night rush back. I pulled my hair back into a bun and get out of bed. I start picking up our clothes from the ground. Leo comes up behind me and picks me up making me squeal.

"Do we really have to go?" Leo asks throwing me over his shoulder.

"Yes you big baby." I say as i slap his ass. He slaps mine in return. I rub the spot where he hit me. "Puta." I say as he takes us both to the bathroom placing me onto the counter. "Where are we? Like whose place is this?" I asked.

"Mine. Well my mom's my grandma gifted this beach house to her." Leo replies taking two clean toothbrushes out for both of us. He put toothpaste onto both and handed one to me. I brushed my teeth quickly and rinsed my face with cold water. I hop off the counter.

"Get out i gotta pee." I say as i feel my bladder going to explode. Leo laughs at me but doesn't move. I shrug my shoulder and sat down at the toilet. Leo shakes his head at me and continue brushing his teeth and washed his face. I quickly finish my business and washed my hands. I was about to walk out but Leo grabbed my waist and pecked my lips. I rolled my while smiling and got out with Leo following behind. I get out of the room look around i see the kitchen and walk towards it. "Go wear something mister in the meantime i am to cook some breakfast for us." I say looking around to find something.

"You should be grateful to have me naked beside you. Many girls would be dying to see all this." He says flexing. I walk towards him and pat his abs. "Go and change." I say looking into his eyes. "Yes ma'am" he says i shake my head and peck his cheek.

"I get it all this could be distracting for you." He says walking away.

"Sure now go and change." I reply and he turns back smirking at me. He winks and goes back into the room. I roll my eyes and get back to cooking us something.

After fifteen minutes i heard the shower stop and the breakfast was also ready. I made us some sausages and a sunny side up egg with some toast. Leo came out still shirtless water drops on his chest. The shirt was still in his hand. He sat down on the kitchen stool and put his shirt on. I sat down and we quickly ate our breakfast. "Do you wanna tell others about us?" I ask Leo

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