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"Yes" the guy replies. "How can i help you what are you planning to get?"

"I am thinking about getting my nose pierced. Specifically my left side with a ring." I replied as i always thought nose piercings looks hot as fuck.

"Alright we'll get you settled...?" He paused to ask my name.

"Rosalyn." I reply smiling.

"Alright Rosalyn I am Elijah follow me." The guy says as he leads me to an empty booth. I sit down and he shows me different styles and sizes of rings i choose a simple silver one. Elijah picks up all the tools needed. "This is going to hurt a bit." He says as he cleans and disinfects my nose.

"Oh its all good i have a high pain tolerance." I say smiling and he begins to pierce my nose. At first i felt a sting but that subsides after a few minutes. I feel him put the nose ring in and then clean it a bit which stung a bit.

"All done." He says as he hands me a mirror to see.

"That fast?" I ask.

"Exactly." He says as i look at the piercing.

"Oh wow i love it. Thank You." I say he smiles. Then he tells me all the aftercare and pre-cautionary measures. We walk out of the booth i pay him and leave. I start walking towards my bike and my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket and pick it up.

"Where are you?" Alex's voice rang through the other side.

"Out just wanted to go for a ride on my bike." I say.

"Have you lost your mind look at the time." I take the phone off of my ear and look at the time. It was midnight.

"Fuck i am sorry i just saw the time. I did not realise how late it is." I say genuinely not knowing what time it was or how long i had been wandering around.

"Alright where even are you?" He asks.

"The beach a little out of town. Before you say anything i will be back in an hour." I say.

"Alright hurry up i haven't eaten anything i want to have dinner with because i know you haven't eaten anything either." I smile.

"Okay okay order pizza or something i know you are tired don't cook anything. Bye." I end the call and walk towards my bike. I turn it on and get on it. I put my helmet on and start driving. I drive back home which took me about an hour maybe. "LEXI I AM HOME." I yell in a sing song voice. Alex ran towards me like a toddler.

"Are you crazy?" He says then looks at my face specifically my nose. "Hey you got it pierced finally."

"Yeah it was an impulsive decision." I reply shrugging.

"Come on i am hungry." Lex says grabbing my hand pulling me towards the living room. I stop near the kitchen sink and slap his hand away then washed my hands and walk to the couch. We ate our pizzas and had some wine while talking about everything.

"Did you ask out Liliana?" I ask him.

"Who?" He says stopping half way shoving a slice in his mouth.

"The girl you liked?" I ask as i see his nose and ears turn pink. "Oh god this is adorable you are blushing. She must be so damn special i have never seen you blush. Oh My God i was starting to think you were asexual or aromantic or something. "

"Rose about that." He says and i shut my rant. "There is no girl." I frown looking at him.

"What?" I ask being confused as fuck.

"I mean there is no Liliana instead its Liam" He says all pink.

"What?" I ask.

"Rose i am gay." He says.

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